Katha Ankhahee 15th November 2023 Written Update

Katha Ankhahee 15th November 2023 Written Update by Sona

Katha Ankhahee 15th November 2023 Written Episode

Katha is sitting when she gets a call so she answers it from, Vanya says that she is a part of her brothers life who lives in this same life today and forever which she knows, Katha replies she knows it and would not come back there so wants Viaan to see that she is not a part of his life. Vanya asks if she does not know Viaan bhai who would come to her with a strong determination. She explains the questions for which they do not get an answer tend to become riddles that roam in their mind so she should think about it. Vanya vows to bring them both together as she believes in the magic of love and it would get more strong if they remain close while it would surely show its magic one day.

Katha wonders what can she do and thinks of how she decided to go and talk with Viaan once again, she feels she should also go there because she cannot run away from it all and the entire family of Raghav is there so what if there is some misunderstanding because Aarav has became normal after such a long time, Katha wonders how can she go there when Ahsan sir also said that it is better she should stay away.

They all are laughing when Vikram says they had to spend an entire night on the road due to someone and he points to Raghav, Pari aunti says this is what they say that who is at fault blame other. Raghav informs that the car had little petrol and he thought of following the map but someone said he knows it by heart, Vikram says he was going from the way after twelve years but why did he believe him, Pari aunti starts arguing with Vikram.

Viaan turns back after feeling someone touched him so thinks it is katha but he turns back when Raghav asks where is he lost, Viaan replies he was busy thinking about Katha so Teji also gets shocked, Raghav explains they have to be careful of this man since his words might cause a very big confusion. Teji asks Viaan to come as they have to light the Diya.

Teji goes with Viaan explaining that katha would not come and he should give himself some time after which he will forget Katha and he should think she is with a very nice family who are good people. Viaan accepts they are nice people but katha has her place in this house with Teji and him so he asks her to not worry and lights Diya. Viaan turns to see Katha standing there and he starts smiling, Teji is shocked seeing her but Viaan is not able to control his smile and does not even realize when the match stick burns fully so it hurts him, he is amazed realizing it was not a dream, Viaan stands in front of katha who is just staring at him when he says he knew she would come. Ruhi is also amazed to see her mom so rushes to hug her, Viaan is about to express himself when they leave so he consoles Teji asking her to come.

Raghav asks Katha if she is feeling fine, Katha says that she thought she should also come as Mr Raghuvanshi invited them with so much love. Raghav says she is lying as she came here due to the charm of Viaan just like it called them all, he notices Katha is tensed so mentions it is bad timing. Pari aunti asks Teji to meet her beautiful daughter in law Katha, she signals katha to take her blessings but Teji stops her and then blesses her explaining she felt nice that katha came, Teji is forced to control her emotions when Viaan asks Katha to sit beside his mother. Ruhi explains that Viaan sir told them that he loves playing cricket so she asked him to not tell Aarav as he would then make Viaan sir his best friend, Raghav asks her to not be like it since he will surely join the cricket club with Viaan and Aarav.

Teji tells katha that they have made her favorite chole Bature when Raghav asks how does she know it so they all get worried, Viaan says that he was ordering in the office and asked katha so she told him and now he told his mother, he says that Ruhi likes Belgium chocolate.

Vanya and Ahsan enter the lift to go to the house of Mr Malthora when she asks what problem would happen if Katha Bhabhi returns to their house when Ahsan says he will handle everything, he notices Vanya so asks why is he feeling that she also tried to handle something but Vanya says she did not do anything and so he would surely get the gift he desired, Vanya makes him guess when he says they can cancel this party and go to celebrate but she stops him when he says he got the best gift by getting engaged to the girl who loves her a lot. They get out of the elevator.

Teji is sitting in the room looking at the photo of Viaan, with katha and Aarav when katha enters the room apologizing to her, Teji says that she has ruined the life of Katha but even now she is the one apologizing, Katha replies that it should not be the case but she feels it is better if she does not come here when Teji replies she is also trying to inform Viaan but she must give it all some time as then everything would be sorted, they both hug each other when Pari aunti comes to the door and calls Teji.

Viaan is reciting his poetry while everyone is listening to him and in the end Raghav praises him for being such an impactful poet, Viaan once again continues to recite it and they all start clapping for him. Vikram praises Viaan a lot and then Raghav asks Ruhi to go and bring some mini burgers for him, Ruhi asks him to not make excuses and over eat as she knows he wants to talk of some important matter so she is leaving, Viaan says Ruhi is very intelligent. Vikram asks why does Viaan to not make him meet the girl as he is sure the girl would return to him, Raghav says Viaan does not know of their conviction as they would surely bring her back

Pari aunti asks Teji if everything is fine who says that indeed everything is fine, Teji explains she remembered someone after seeing katha who was just like her daughter, Pari aunti notices they both are emotional when Teji asks them to come out as everyone is waiting for them.

Raghav asks Viaan to be his best man since he does not have any brother in his wedding when katha has Yuvraj, Raghav says that Viaan can take his time but Viaan apologizes explaining he wants to give the update about the project on which they both are working, he blesses that they should always be blessed as a couple, Viaan explains the credit goes to her as she has a habit to put the soul in everything that she does, katha replies that he is making the design when Raghav suggests katha should call him Viaan as it is easy but he says that Katha would call him when she is easy as there is a need to have certain barriers but when they are broken then it leads them straight to the heart. Raghav says they both should trust each other as they are working on the same project, katha replies she trusts him this much and after this project ends they both would be busy in their own lives.

Precap: Aarav says that he was not able to contact his mother and question where have they all come. Viaan pleads with Katha to give him a chance to come back to her love and that of Aarav as he will surely handle everything, he hugs her while she is crying. Raghav comes calling katha so she pushes Viaan away while Raghav is standing outside the door.

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