Kumkum Bhagya 6th March 2023 Written Update

Kumkum Bhagya 6th March 2023 Written Update by H Hasan

Kumkum Bhagya 6th March 2023 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Prachi calling Khushi’s name and says I love you, and says good light. Ranbir gets emotional. She ends the call and thinks even Ranbir used to sleep with Panchi hearing my lullaby. She thinks she shall not think about him. Ranbir comes home, gets freshen up. Pallavi comes there and asks why you didn’t tell me that you will be late. Ranbir says until you are with me, nothing will happen to me and asks her to go and sleep. Pallavi asks will you tell yourself. She asks why you are worried? Ranbir asks if you came to know. Pallavi says she can see his pain clearly and on seeing it, her breath is about to stop. Ranbir says exactly same thing happened with me and says Khushi was about to meet with an accident, she is fine, I felt like my breath stopped and my heart condition deteriorated thinking what could happen to me, if anything happens to Khushi. He says he was feeling as if he is dead and tells that don’t know what happened to him, he was mad and the land was pulled out from under his feet. Pallavi says this means you regard Khushi as your daughters, how to make you understand, the child is your part/Ansh who is taking breath. She says when the child gets hurt, then the parent feels the same pain as you. She says you want the emptiness in your life to be filled by Khushi. Ranbir thinks Prachi and I have the same dream unknowingly. He imagines his happy family with Prachi and Khushi. Pallavi asks him not to think and sleep. She says we will talk in the morning.

Akshay looks at the ring and says Prachi. Prachi looks at the moon and says until now I have prayed to you for my Panchi. She prays to Moon to give her Khushi. She says she is becoming my life’s khushi and can fill my life with happiness. Ranbir talks to the Moon and asks why did you bring Prachi infront of me, what I will do with my wish that I want to meet Prachi again and again. He says I just want Khushi and asks Moon to keep Akshay Tandon away from Prachi, as he has feelings for Prachi, which she will not understand. Akshay says Prachi knows his feelings and his heard has forced his mind to think about her always, all the time. Naina song plays…..Akshay thinks of Prachi.

Kaya comes to the office ad says finally you came. Ranbir says welcome back and asks if all good. He says you came after a long time. Kaya says this is my office, and tells that she has brought a big export project. She tells that a company is making building in foreign and we have to supply materials from India. She says she has brought project for him. Ranbir says for me? She says if you don’t want then I will give to someone else. Ranbir says I need it and says thanks. She says all the specifications are in this file. He says he will read it. Kaya says no mistake shall happen and says this is your independent project. Ranbir says he will not do any mistake. Kaya says she doesn’t have time and company has many projects already. She asks him to manage finance and use his own money for the project. Ranbir assures and thanks her. He hugs her and then moves away. She asks him not to do any mistake and says if I see any mistake then I will not approve it. She says she will check the quality. Ranbir assures her again. Kaya says all the best and goes.

Prachi comes to the office. Ashok calls her. Prachi says sorry sir, I am late. She says I wouldn’t have been late if….Ashok asks if butcher or villian is written on my face. Prachi says no. He asks why she is giving clarification. Prachi asks if he is fine as yesterday he had an accident. He says he is a tiger, coughs and says he is aged now. Prachi asks if you any shock or trauma due to accident. She says I came late and then also you are not angry. Ashok says I am not angry, you are sweet. Prachi says something happened surely, you need rest. Ashok says if I am talking good then it means that I am in shock. Prachi says she was teasing him. Ashok says even I was teasing you. He says good morning, and thanks her for saving Akshay from Police. She gets Akshay’s call and says she is in the office. She goes to his cabin and takes out the file. Akshay comes there and says hi and good morning. Prachi gives him walia industries files. He says weather is hot in Delhi. Prachi says it will increase more in march and asks him to be prepared. He tries to switch on the AC, but it doesn’t start. He switches on the pedestal fan and all the papers fall down from the files. Prachi bends down to pick the papers. Akshay also picks the papers. He finds the door jammed and asks Prachi for help. Prachi tries to free the door, and her hair fall on his face. She manages to close it, says she is strong. She asks Akshay what happened, why is he nervous? Ranbir recalls lying to Dida and Pallavi, about getting a project. He thinks he will do this project for his happiness, his family’s happiness. He gets Vikram’s call. Ranbir picks the call and tries to tell him. Pallavi, Dida and Aryan come there. Ranbir tells them that he got a big project, he has to send the raw materials abroad for construction purpose, and says his boss’ daughter gave him a big project. He gets happy.

Precap: Kaya says Mr. Ranbir Kohli, you are different and Kaya likes something unusual always. Akshay thanks Ranbir. Ranbir says she is mine. Akshay asks what is yours? Ranbir says Prachi.

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