Kundali Bhagya 11th June 2024 Written Update

Kundali Bhagya 11th June 2024 Written Update by Sona

Kundali Bhagya 11th June 2024 Written Episode

Anshuman says they all should get all the news published and show on every news channel that he is the owner, Preeta coming at the entrance reveals she is the owner of this house hearing which everyone is shocked and turns back to look at her standing at the main entrance of the Luthra Mansion with a smile on her face, Rakhi is relieved along with Mahesh and Bani Dadi. Anshuman gets up in a state of confusion while Preeta slowly enters the Luthra Mansion, Karan starts smiling looking at her, Preeta says she is now the owner of the Luthra Mansion meaning this house belongs to her, Anshuman questions where was she all this time as had she asked him for it then he would have surely given it to her when he is the owner of this house, Karan signed the papers of the collaboration so how can she be the owner, Preeta replies that he can see the papers as they are signed and registered, and not like him which are not legally registered, actually Karan Luthra made a deal with her before him and transferred his entire property to her, Karan smiles while looking at Anshuman Panday who is stunned. Anshuman takes the papers in his hands while looking at the, karan says he is correct so Preeta snatches he papers, Karan replies he has sold the entire property to her hearing which even Nidhi is stunned. Anshuman says this means they have committed fraud with him so he will file a case, Palki says that the papers of Anshuman were not registered while his papers were not yet registered, Anshuman says this mans Palki was with them when Palki replies that they are family, she replies she found it along with him. Rakhi asks if Anshuman Panday saw that the devil finally lost in the end, she is glad that her family, house and everyone were saved from his grasp. Shaurya and Rajveer come when Shaurya asks how does Anshuman Panday feel about it and says how he would ask the media to take some pictures while now it is his time, Shaurya and Rajveer both push Anshuman out of the Luthra Mansion, he threatens to not let anyone of them get away so easily while take care of them, Shaurya then orders the security personal to get out of their house, Nidhi is stunned seeing Preeta smiling, the media personal also leave.

Anshuman is walking while the media follow him when he says that they should stop it, the media questions how was he thrown out of the Luthra Mansion when he kept praising Shaurya and Rajveer a lot but how did they throw him out of the house, Anshuman says he is ordering them to stop otherwise he would throw their camera, they start reporting his anger issue but they warn Anshuman to not insult them

Karan says he kept giving them clues that it is not the end and the climax is still about to happen which is why he kept asking them to let it all happen but they had to take out their anger, and only pin point one person who was Preeta. Karan says they all were blaming the aunt of Rajveer but all this plan was made by her and he just helped her in executing it, Karan says it was their secret and decided to not let anyone else find out about it, because Anshuman Panday is very clever and all of their efforts would have gone to waste, while revealing it at the correct time. Karan says he had said it from the beginning that the end is still about to happen and if today the plan of Rajveer’s aunt became successful. Nidhi says then she said that he should transfer all of his property in her name, Karan replies that she said he should sell it to someone else and then he chose her for this purpose ass then this would remain with them, he has shown as if he sold her everything an they both planned it all against Anshuman Panday, he desired that Anshuman should first release their children while then get the manager to sign the papers, after which he will reveal the entire plan in front of him, he reveals how Anshuman Panday tried a lot to make him reveal the truth but he did not break and so decided to bow before him only to snatch everything from him, Karan says now Anshuman would realize he had faced The Karan Luthra, he says Nidhi was asking where did the aunt of Rajveer went to when at that time she was getting the papers registered as he would surely get them checked, and if today their house, dignity, honor and business has been saved, it is due to the aunt of Rajveer. Rakhi says she had been telling them that Preeta si her lucky charm but no one listened to her, whenever their family faced any problem then Preeta has been the one to come and help them get out of the trouble, she did the same even this time. Nidhi angrily leaves saying they should put their bags inside.

Anshuman is sitting with Shub saying today he has been insulted a lot and he wants very dangerous criminals who can crush her, because the one who is supporting karan is his enemy, Shub says that he knows some professional criminals who can even kill their boss, then Anshuman says he wants them hired right now.

Roma is travelling when Varun calls her, he says he was marrying Kavya for her money but she has now lost everything and says that the one who owns everything of the Luthra’s is Preeta, Roma says she is still asking him to take care of his emotions and remain sweet with Kavya, Varun replies she is very annoying so he cannot stay with her for even a single minute but Roma says he need also control his angry and not make any mistake, Varun says he gets angry when he evens see her, Roma asks if he wants her to complain about him but Varun replies he will do as she asks him to do.

Nidhi tells Arohi that preeta took down two birds with a single attack and now she will take credit of everything, she wonders what can she do now as Preeta has become the owner of the house and her position has become zero, she asks Arohi to say something when Arohi replies what can she say as what she feared has happened so she does not have anything to say, Nidhi wonders what will they do now, she feared what if Preeta comes into this house but now she has become the owner of the house and even good I the eyes of everyone, Arohi asks her to calm down but Nidhi is furious, Arohi asks her to relax saying that till now she asked her to do something but now she is helpless as Preeta has become the owner of this house, Nidhi sits down.

Karina questions Bani Dadi why is she not seeing the truth, Rakhi entering the room asks why is Karina di talking like this about Preeta, Bani Dadi replies she is wondering why did Preeta took over everything while she did not give it to Shaurya, Rakhi asks why is Karina di thinking so wrong about Preeta, Karina questions why did Preeta not let the property get transferred to their name, Rakhi says it might be that there was so much tension and they would have transferred it to her name, Karina says Rakhi goes to any length to support Preeta, when Karina says that it would have taken the same time that she transfers the property to their name, Bani Dadi agrees with her but Rakhi requests them to not think bad about Preeta. Karina asks why did Preeta not suggest to Karan to not transfer the property in her name but to the name of his wife Nidhi, Rakhi says she is trying to explain it to her as the situation was very tensed, Karina says she is requesting Rakhi to not give such stupid reasons and is saying this is what preeta desired from the first day, saying Rakhi should stop giving the ill logical reasons to her, Rakhi thinks it is very strange as Preeta saved the honor of this family but they all are thinking she is wrong.

Preeta sits down with a smile thinking about when she told Anshuman Panday that Karan Luthra gave his property to her before their deal, she is not able to believe it all has happened, karan entering the room says that it all happened as she desired, he says she does what she aims to do and there cannot be anyone like her in this world, karan says she was very worried about transferring the property to her name but now everything turned out good, and she was at the same time getting the papers registered when he was signing the collaboration with Anshuman Panday, while even her timing was perfect.

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