Kundali Bhagya 22nd May 2024 Written Update

Kundali Bhagya 22nd May 2024 Written Update by Sona

Kundali Bhagya 22nd May 2024 Written Episode

Palki is making tea when kritika asks her to give the strainer as she will pour the tea but Palki replies she can make it however Kritika replies that she might burn her hand, Kavya says that our Kritika Bua feels that if anyone else pours it out then might burn it, Kavya says that everyone in their family loves to care for others, Palki says it is weird when Kritika asks what did she mean, Palki replies she felt that the behavior of Kritika resembles that of Rajveer as he is also very protective when it comes to the family and he cares for Mohit, Bua and even her a lot, Kavya says Rajveer even cares for her as she remembers the first time they met because he protected her and took care of her even when she got poisoned by the snake. Kritika says she is only thinking of her Karan brother, Palki says that Rajveer and Shaurya met at the wrong time because when Rajveer was coming with his aunt then Shaurya caused the accident by the bus, which is why Rajveer hates him the most but Kavya suggests it would be good if they both become like real brothers, Kritika replies it is a far fetched thought so they should not think of it, Kavya says only one person can do it and her name is Nidhi mom as Shaurya listens to her, Kritika replies it is still as she said a far fetched thought, Paki thinks she does not feel it will happen as Nidhi does not like Shanaya, and even her so she does not feel Nidhi would welcome her into the family.

Nidhi goes to Sahurya who asks what is she doing here, she replies she is very tensed and does not feel like the house belongs to her when Shaurya asks what has happened, he says that ever since Rajveer and his aunt came to the house then she is losing her own place in the house. Shaurya replies he will never let anyone take her place, Nidhi says it cannot happen as Rakhi mom starts scolding anyone who talks against them, explaining they used to listen to her first but now feels her importance has lost in the house. Shaurya assures that her importance would not end until he is present but he cannot do anything till he is here however would not let them even step foot in the house. Nidhi says Karan does not even listen to her because had he given half of the property to Anshuman Panday then he would be freed, Nidhi says she feels he will give it to Rajveer, the constable comes telling her the meeting time is over when Shaurya asks Nidhi to not be worried since he will handle it all, she leaves asking him to take care of himself, Nidhi thinks that now Shaurya would do everything.

Rajveer agrees with his aunt, Preeta replies they should think of an alternate solution when Karan suggests he can go and talk to Anshuman at his house, Preeta replies that Anshuman might do something wrong so it is not the same and she feels this plan is wrong. Nidhi comes asking if they can listen to her plan mentioning Anshuman demanded half of the property so if he gets it then Shaurya would be released, Karan questions why would he give his property to Anshuman when it is not the case and he has framed Shaurya. Preeta asks Rajveer to meet Anshuman at a hotel and convince him that he is on his side, Palki says that Anshuman is very smart and she does not feel he would confess his mistake but Rajveer replies he knows how to make Anshuman confess, Rajveer says that he needs the help of karan who replies he can do anything. Mahesh asks if Preeta thinks the plan will work, she replies she feels it should indeed work, Nidhi replies nothing must happen to her son Shaurya, karan says they all are sitting here trying to think of a plan and he trusts that the plan of Preeta and Rajveer is surely going to work. Nidhi angrily starts looking at Preeta who is nervous.

Karan asks Rjaveer to enter the room, Rajveer says that karan knew he was working with Anshuman Panday but does not know the work he did, Rajveer says he was working with Anshuman Panday to ruin Karan due to the differences but Anshuman wanted the papers that karan had in his locker and so he feels if he gives the file to Anshuman then he will reveal the truth. Rajveer tries to drink but then spills it on his shirt so goes into the bathroom, Karan taking out the file turns to see Nidhi standing in front of him who says that they should not trust Rajveer a lot as he himself accepted he is working for Anshuman Panday, Karan says he trusts Rajveer when he sees him standing outside the bathroom, Nidhi says Rajveer must not expect an apology from her, he replies he is just working with them due to his aunt.

The entire family is waiting when Preeta tells Palki that both Karan and Rjaveer did not come down, kavya asks if Palki knows what are they talking about. Bani Dadi mentions she will get high blood pressure if she keeps thinking like it and asks Mahesh if they can make everything fine, Karan and Rajveer walk down when karan assures everything would be fine, Rajveer says their plan depends on Anshuman Panday saying the truth, Nidhi asks him to tell the entire truth that it depends on if the plan works while then Bani Dadi asks her to just speak good, Karina says only Shaurya is going to suffer if the plan fails. Rajveer agrees that he will meet Anshuman and then he knows that it would not be easy to force him to reveal the truth but he is then going to show the file. Mahesh says that Rajveer should call him.

Palki tells Kavya she is worried since Anshuman Panday is a very clever person and he might trap Rajveer, but Kavya asks her to be calm as Rajveer is very clever.

Rajveer calls Anshuman Panday who asks how did he remember him, Nidhi thinks it is a nice trick to tell everyone that he is concerned for the family, Rajveer says he thought Anshuman would call him when he replies that Rajveer did not steal the papers for him because he was concerned for the function of Kavya and thought that it might hurt the emotions of the remaining family members. Rajveer asks he wants to give Anshuman Panday what he has desired for so long but Anshuman says he cannot meet today since he wants to attend a party tonight with his wife, Karan signals Rajveer to agree who says that he will surely meet him tomorrow.

Shanaya opening the door asks palki if she met Shaurya but she replies she did not meet him today but went to the police station yesterday with Rajveer and Kavya, Shanaya is rude with Palki who asks what has happened to her that she is behaving like this, Shanaya leaves saying good night.

Preeta helps Bani Dadi and then thinks she is going to leave but Bani Dadi asks if she ate the dinner, Preeta says that she should sleep however Bani Dadi replies in her age one tends to sleep at awakerd times, Preeta replies it is due to the medicine when Bani Dadi asks if she is sure they will bring back Shaurya. Karan replies that she must not worry as they will bring back Shaurya. Preeta says she will leave but Bani Dadi asks Karan to drop her but Preeta replies she can go by herself however Karan says she will not let her go so late at night and is going to drop her, Nidhi also coming explains even she will come as it is not right to go so late at night with a stranger, and it is better if even she should come when Preeta replies she will feel nice if Nidhi accompanies her. Karan asks if they can leave so walks away.

Rajveer standing by the window is looking outside, Palki notices him so knocks on the door, he says she seems sad but she replies she is just tensed and needs his advice, Palki replies she stopped Shanaya from meeting Shaurya but now is herself going to meet him and Shanaya thinks she is going to make her image good in front of the Luthra family. Rajveer wonders why does no one trust other people because he met to Shaurya who did not trust him, Palki says Rajveer is making false comparison because Shaurya is mad while Shanaya is very mature, Rajveer replies he is a bit stressed as he is going to meet Anshuman Panday tomorrow, Palki also gets worried.

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