Kundali Bhagya 29th May 2024 Written Update

Kundali Bhagya 29th May 2024 Written Update by Sona

Kundali Bhagya 29th May 2024 Written Episode

Nidhi says Shaurya is her son while Karan is her husband they are her In laws so Preeta should first stop coming to this house and irritate her, Preeta replies she does not want anything of the sort but came to request her that she should be polite with karan as he has already accepted defeat then she was just requesting her to politely talk with him. Nidhi replies she knows it very well how to talk to her husband and if she has an y complaint then is going to tell him but Preeta must not tell her anything, Preeta replies she is not talking about anything else but just saying that karan is disturbed, Nidhi warns Preeta to not come between her and her husband as she knows how her husband is feeling, Nidhi asks if Preeta would spend the time with her like she does with Karan, Preeta thinks it is a waste of time to talk to her, then Preeta says she understood what Nidhi was trying to say so walks away, Nidhi is furious.

Rakhi asks Karan why is he so sad, Bani Dadi questions why is he so quiet and why is he living like this as they might be able to give an answer to his questions, Karan sees Preeta coming, he has tears in his eyes while looking at her, the soul of both Karan and Preeta come to stand in front of each other when Preeta wipes of the tears from his face, Karan also does the same to her while she is not able to stop crying. They both hug each other tightly, Rakhi calls Karan who suddenly realizes it was all just his imagination, Rakhi asks why is karan not saying anything but he keeps staring at Preeta. Karan replies it is nothing then he gets up asking Preeta to go back home as she would be tired and the driver would drop her. Preeta requests Karan tot take care of himself, he replies he knows her very well that how she is pretending to be very strong without any tension on her face but she is doing it all so he does not take any step, ever since Rajveer has gone to the lockup he knows how tensed she is but she is not letting even a single tear come on her face, he asks if she is doing it all for him. Preeta replies it realtes to them all and she knows they all are fighting the same far, while he is also tensed like her then he must not blame himself, they all want the same thing Nidhi asks if Preeta was talking about her, Rakhi pleads with Nidhi to stay quiet explaining they are going through a lot of tension, Rakhi asks Preeta to go back home when she will ask the driver, Rakhi asks Garesh to ask the driver to drop Preeta home. Preeta thinks she does not feel like leaving karan but what can she do as she must leave, Preeta walks out of the Luthra Mansion with Garesh. Karan is furious saying he has decided, Rakhi asks what is the decisions when Karan replies he is ready to accept the condition of Anshuman Panday and he wants the property so he is ready to give him the entire property, Nidhi along with Arohi and the entire Luthra family is startled, Bani Dadi agrees with the decision of Karan and even Rakhi says the wealth is a material thing which can come and go, Karina asks karan to bring Shaurya back while do everything he wants, Mahesh also says their entire family is with them.

Palki calls Rajveer who is sitting, he says he failed and broke the hope of everyone, Palki asks him to not talk like this as those who donot try are failures but he tried a lot, she says this world is unfair and not everyone becomes successful, as their efforts sometimes result in a way they donot accept so Palki says their planning failed this means Bhagwan has planned something else for them, she says he should be glad as he tried a lot even when Anshuman Panday is very dangerous and they say that an evil person is very intelligent so Rajveer should not accept defeat but know they have to get up again, while know they have to attack the bad things again and again, Rajveer asks what could he do from being locked up, Palki says Rajveer did a lot and when he showed so much courage then why is he losing hope, Rajveer says he promised to help bring Shaurya but could not do anything and failed, Palki says it is not the case, Rajveer tried his best and no one knew about it while Rajveer was hated for a lot of things but he still came to help Shaurya which shows how good of a person he is and this is what she loves of him, she asks him to not cry otherwise she will also cry and do something that will force the police to even lock her up. Palki says she knows he gets hope from his aunt but if she sees him like this then would also lose hope, she asks him to not be sad as they all are with him, Rajveer tells Palki that she stands by him in each and every step, as she is the one who is always by his side, she replies she will always stay with him

Palki is in the house when she goes to the window and looking at the balcony of Rajveer remembers how he would come to her house in the middle of the night and scare her, she starts crying when Shanaya calls her but when she does not respond then Shanaya realizes she is crying and asks the reason, palki replies she is not feeling anything is nice, Shanaya says she knows they feel weird when the one they love is locked up but Palki says they must remain strong at all times then she should also be strong, while nothing bad happens to good people and Bhagwan never keeps them in the bad place. Palki replies nothing good will happen as things are being ruined, Shanaya replies the entire Luthra family is with Rajveer and doing their best to bring both Shaurya and Rajveer out of lockup. Palki says everyone is trying but what about their effort, Shaurya has been locked for so long but no one could bring him out and Rajveer also got locked up while trying to help him. Shanaya says they must believe Bhagwan would correct everything, she knows things get ruined in life but all of a sudden things tend to be fine and she must believe Bhagwan will make sure everything gets fine, she says Palki must not think of Rajveer so much as he would be busy with Shaurya and fighting with him like a girlfriend. Palki hugs Shanaya who asks her to stop crying assuring everything would get better, Shanaya asks Palki to come and sit when Palki says Rajveer is indeed a very nice person who has never done anything wrong with anyone, so she prays he should come out. Shanaya replies that when the lover calls someone out with such intensity then it happens very easily, Shanaya asks palki to have something to eat but she replies she does not want it, Shanaya says what if she loses her beauty if she does not eat anything, Shanaya replies she is also not going to eat anything without Palki, she forces her to have something to eat.

Karan slowly enters the room thinking of when Anshuman Panday proposed that Karan must give him half of his property so then he after wiping of the tears dials the contact of Anshuman Panday who exclaims Karan came on the feet meaning he called, Anshuman says he was waiting for the call of Karan and asks if everyone in the family is happy but says how can it happen as they both are locked up while Karan is the hero of everyone in his family and is responsible for it all so knows how to turn the happiness of someone into grief. Karan says he is ready to accept the offer of Anshuman Panday who at first acts as if he cannot understand then Anshuman Panday agrees saying they will meet at his house. Karan puts down the phone when he gets a call from Preeta, he answers it and asks what happened, Preeta asks if he is fine now when she says everything would be fine, Karan replies now everything would get better and he says Anshuman Panday desires that he should get all of his property then he has said he will transfer it all, Preeta tries to reply after being stunned but Karan ending the call sits beside the window, he apologizes as he could not bring Shaurya out of the lockup so a father failed . Preeta thinks she cannot call him right now as he seems disturbed so she will call him later, she is also tensed while Karan is crying,

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