Kundali Bhagya 4th June 2024 Written Update

Kundali Bhagya 4th June 2024 Written Update by Sona

Kundali Bhagya 4th June 2024 Written Episode

Preeta says they needed the family till yesterday but today the family needs them, she raises her hand forward asking if they both would do it for her. Rajveer places his hand over that of Preeta, Shaurya is stunned at first and keeps looking at Rajveer, but then also places his hand, Preeta replies she knew that her son would never refuse for this work, and cannot do it to their mother, she praises them both assuring that now Anshuman Panday would not be able to stand in front of them, she puts her other hand

Anshuman is standing when the other businessmen come congratulating Anshuman Panday for being the business partner of Karan Luthra as he has not given the chance to anyone, karan is amazed to see the commissioner and immediately goes to greet him, Anshuman greets him for taking the time of his busy schedule, Mahesh takes Karan away while Anshuman sits with the commissioner, Mahesh asks what is the commissioner doing here when he knew Anshuman called the business tycoons, Karan replies Anshuman does not want to do anything under the table and is taking it all as a recording so they pay all of the taxes and fines so he is able to understand the entire game which in short is a safe game, Anshuman goes to the associate asking him if he knows what to talk about with the people, he replies he knows he just has to talk of the deal when Anshuman says he should go to announce it, Anshuman exclaims he is just doing a business deal with Karan when in reality wants to take over his entire property including the Luthra Mansion.

The associate goes to welcome everyone for coming to this party along with the commissioner, explaining no one thought that a business tycoon like Karan Luthra would become a partner of Anshuman Panday who is the biggest rival and they might have heard it is a forced partnership when in fact it is not the case, Anshuman goes to the dice saying they would heard the news that he got Rajveer and Shaurya arrested but it was just a misunderstanding, he calls Karan to the dice saying it is not the case. Preeta exclaims Anshuman is not saying anything that they desire, Palki asks what does she mean, Preeta says they want him to say that Shaurya and Rajveer did not do anything and he made a mistake after which he got then bailed when he found the truth, Palki goes to ask Anshuman Panday if she can take the mike, Palki says Anshuman is actually very nice and it is their mistake that they could not realize the truth when he sent Shaurya and Rajveer to jail as anyone in their place would have thought about it, Palki says then he came to their house, she turning mentions that he himself came to their house, Anshuman asks what should he say, Palki replies the same that he said in the house, Preeta comes ahead explaining what he said to them all and Anshuman mentions he does not understand, Preeta replies that Shaurya and Rajveer were not wrong and he got them bailed after he realized his mistake, Anshuman refuses to do it.

Karan replies he has to say it when Preeta mentions he should say it as then it would be proven that this deal is genuine, Anshuman says they all are playing games when karan threatens to cancel the party, Anshuman explains it was due to the mistake of his manager and he even brainwashed him but now they all can see that the problem have been sorted due to which Rajveer and Shaurya have been released but the manager does not work with them, karan says that now Anshuman Panday has accepted his mistake and they are ready for the collaboration, everyone starts clapping. Anshuman says then they should sign the papers, Rajveer replies the party has just started, Anshuman thinks he just cares about the paper singing, Shaurya agrees explaining they should get the party started and then signals for the lights to be turned off, Shaurya along with Sandy and Mohit start the dance accompanied by Shanaya and two other girls, while Rajveer and Palki are just looking at them all dancing, Shanaya takes the center stage with the girls when Shaurya also comes back to dance again with them, Varun constantly keeps getting calls and so he leaves from the party, seeing which Preeta gets a bit worried, the guests in the party start clapping for them. Varun goes to the room which he locks then answers the call from Aaliya, who asks where was he since she has been calling, she mentions how many times has she said to him that he cannot leave without informing her, Varun replies he was in a very important business meeting and in fact they all would be worried for him, Aaliya is shocked asking if he is in a business meeting, Varun replies he got her call as they have a connection from heart, Aaliya apologizes saying he knows she loves him, he is about to say it when Kavya suddenly enters the room so he says she should have knocked before walking about, Kavya wonders what did Varun say that she would have to knock to come to him, Aaliya wonders why did Varun end his call. Preeta is walking thinking about how she saw Varun leaving, Palki calls to Preeta and goes to stand by her with Kavya. Preeta holding her hand gives the blessing, Rakhi comes saying even then they have the support of Preeta who replies she still does not want anything wrong to happen to children, she leaves when Palki asks why is Preeta je talking like this and has something wrong happened, Rakhi replies she knows Preeta will fix everything and so leaves with kavya, Palki wonders what is worrying Preeta je so much, she gets tensed.

Shaurya sits on the table when he is about to drink but Anshuman Panday cheers with him but Shaurya is shocked, Anshuman replies he is happy as they are about to become business partners but Shaurya asks him to be enough, Anshuman says Shaurya has been locked in jail for so long then he might have forgotten the manners and if they donot cheer then it means they are not friends, Shaurya replies he is saying it on his face, Anshuman says now he understood it as Shaurya would have gotten habitual of making friends with the criminals, Shaurya says Anshuman came to meet him in the jail and he behaved with him in a very good manner even when the police was present but would be very violent here, Anshuman seeing Rajveer says that Shaurya has a lot of attitude, Anshuman says he felt very nice seeing Shaurya longing for the love of his father and family, he pushes Anshuman back who is about to hit him with the vase, Rajveer stops him saying if Anshuman does not want to feel how it hurts with the vase then should leave it right now, Anshuman puts it angrily, Rajveer replies the scene would have been it that the vase would have hurt him, Anshuman threatens to not leave them both, Shaurya says he should go away, Rajveer furiously looks at Shaurya.

Karan asks what does Anshuman want to say, he replies he should tell both Rajveer and Shaurya to not mess with him as then he would play a game of attempt to murder and get them both jailed for lifetime, Mahesh coming says he has himself seen the behavior of Anshuman Panday but he threatens to get them arrested for lifetime, Mahesh takes Karan away.

Shaurya says he did not expect that Rajveer would support him, Rajveer replies he would fight him between them both but is going to stand by him in every other battle, Shaurya asks the reason for this concern and says that he is doing it due to his aunt, Rajveer replies he can do whatever he desires so Shaurya says even he will support him, Nidhi thinks she cannot let them both be together and so calls Shaurya, he answers the call when she asks where is he as she is very worried and so asks him to come with her, Shaurya leaves while Rajveer is standing there.

Shaurya enters the room with Nidhi, who says Arohi should say everything in front of Shaurya, he asks what are they talking about, Nidhi replies Arohi was saying she does not have anyone and no one loves or values her, while she even said that Shaurya just calls her mom but loves the aunt of Rajveer and is attracted by her, while Arohi even said she was the one worried for him when he was locked up and fought with his father a lot but Arohi asks did it have any benefit as she is still alone and even Shaurya is not with her, Shaurya says he is with his mother for everything an did not think he would have to explain it to them both, Arohi says he knows she comes here frequently and is aware of everything, she was glad to know at least Shaurya is with her when explaining that Karan was not ready to give even a single penny till the time Shaurya was locked up but when Rajveer got arrested then Karan was ready to give his entire property, hearing this Shaurya gets furious.

Precap: Rajveer asks Varun why are you getting angry, you acting like you are loosing property not Karan. He says yes I’m losing property.
Shaurya says to Karan I’m your actual son, your blood runs inside me. Who is Rajveer to you.

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