Kundali Bhagya 5th May 2023 Written Update

Kundali Bhagya 5th May 2023 Written Update by Sona

Kundali Bhagya 5th May 2023 Written Episode

Rajveer bumps into karan who immediately apologizes while walking away and he even sounds very emotional. The reporters gather around Karan trying to take his interview meanwhile Rajveer leaves after staring at him for a while. Rajveer goes to the DJ mentioning that his wife is waiting for him at the backstage, the DJ says that he only has a girlfriend when Rajveer informs that she told him she is about to become pregnant, he gets excited when Rajveer asks if they should go so they leave.

Preeta and Gurpreet are in an auto when Preeta gives the money before her, Gurpreet questions where is she taking her and calls Preeta has Choti, Preeta questions what does she mean by it, Gurpreet says she said it since Preeta is younger then her, she question where are they headed, Preeta points to the swings. Rishab is sitting in the car as Preeta and Gurpreet cross the road, he is about to see her when he is disturbed by the sun light. Rishab immediately stops the car seeing Preeta in the rear view mirror, he gets shocked so starts looking for her n the back view mirror.

Shaurya is walking when a lady fan comes to hug him and even pushes him to the corner, Shaurya questions what does she want from him before embracing her as she kisses him on the cheek, he gets furious seeing Palki so runs out of the room trying to look for her.

The DJ reaching the backstage asks where is Sapna, Rajveer realizes it so asks if he respects her when the DJ asks what sort of question is this, Rajveer inquires if she was not his girlfriend but in some danger then would he have helped her, the Dj agrees when Rajveer informs he seems a really nice person. Rajveer explains he also has a friend who needs his help, he explains that she really helped him and even his aunt when they came to Mumbai but now she was framed for being a thief but when they found out the truth then the people apologized to her, but the person questions where is his girlfriend and is she really pregnant, Rajveer apologizes explaining it was a lie however mentions that when she told him about his girlfriend then he got joyed which means he is one of those who believes in fulfilling the promise. The DJ smiles at Rajveer and they both hug eachother, Rajveer is shocked to see Nidhi before walking away, she wonders where has she seen this person.

Palki is running from Shaurya but wonders why is she running from him as she must confront him, she remembers what Rajveer said to her that they both should meet at the corridor so she seeing Shaurya hides behind the pillar. The girl following Shaurya questions who s he is searching for, he mentions the girl in the ear ring, she questions if the girl is his ex-girlfriend when Shaurya asks how can she be his girlfriend, as she is very normal while his girlfriend would be someone special, Palki is still hiding.

Preeta along with Gurpreet reach the pani puri stall, where Preeta ask him to make two sour ones however Gurpreet mentions she can only eat sweet but Preeta convinces her saying that when they eat the sour ones then they tend to remove the stress, Gurpreet however says she cannot eat anymore after just one but Preeta mentions that they taste really nice. Rishab is constantly searching for Preeta in the market.

Gurpreet asks Preeta how did she know about this place when even she had no idea about it, Preeta suddenly starts remembering something so gets dizzy, Gurpreet gets worried so asks her to sit down, Preeta mentions she sometimes does not know the answers to certain things but she feels she has come here a lot of times in the past, Gurpreet explains it is nothing to be worried about, she asks Preeta to eat some more of the Pani puri, Preeta standing mentions she felt really good after eating them but they should go and talk with Daljeet, to convince that she marries Palki to the person who deserves her.

Rishab standing in the market wonders what is he doing as how can he see Preeta jee when he knows the truth, he getting tensed walks away.

Shaurya is searching for Palki when the girl asks if he is coming, Shaurya questions why is she showing so much attention to him when she says that she knows he is very hot but even she is really beautiful Shaurya replies that even she is not his type when the girl questions if the girl wearing the ear ring is really hot, Shaurya informs that the girl would even make a hot coffee cold by touching it. Shaurya leaves after complimenting the girl. Palki wonders where is Rajveer, she questions why did it take him so long when he says that they do not have much time since the award is about to be announced.

Shaurya stops because of the girl who explains that a lot of boys are after her when Shaurya says that she herself said and those boys would be mad, the representative of the organizing team comes informing Shaurya how they desire he should sing a song. Nidhi also comes asking what is going on and informs that he should actually sing because his fans would be really glad an even his father is sitting in the audience., Shaurya mentions he will actually sing to show his father and just because his mother asked him to sing.

The host informs that the mike is finally working and it is all because of the patience of the audience, she says they are presenting the award to Shaurya Luthra and since there has to be a surprise so Shaurya Luthra is himself going to sing a song for them. Rajveer goes with Palki to the DJ asking if he has inserted the pen drive and takes the remote. The lights suddenly turn off, Shaurya comes to the stage where he starts singing the song, Shaurya is really dong his best and sounds very good while performing on such a high pitched song. Rajveer and Palki both are staring Shaurya on the stage. Palki says she cannot wonder why they are giving the award to such a poor singer, she mentions might be because of his voice.

Shaurya after ending the song goes down to hug his fans, the organizers praise Shaurya for singing such a beautiful song. Palki angrily exclaims that her ears are still hurting because of how Shaurya was singing.

The organizers inform that it is time for the moment which they all were waiting for, so she calls the organizer Hansal Mehta and Shaurya Luthra on the stage. Mr Hansal Mehta mentions since the father of Shaurya, Mr Karan Luthra is sitting with them he would like him to present the award. Karan walks to the stage and is about to present the award when Rajveer angrily mentions it is enough, he walks onto the stage and Karan recognizes him. Shaurya questions what is the matter when Rajveer calls Palki onto the stage, seeing whom Shaurya gets really furious.

Rajveer is standing in front of Shaurya asking if everyone can see that Shaurya is a very famous singer along with being the son to a wealthy father, he says however he is going to reveal the true face of Shaurya in front of them all, hearing this Shaurya gets worried while Karan is stunned.

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