Mangal Lakshmi 28th June 2024 Written Update

Mangal Lakshmi 28th June 2024 Written Update by Atiba

Mangal Lakshmi 28th June 2024 Written Episode

Scene 1
Karthik asks Mangal you didn’t tell me maa sent people to demolish your house. He asks Lakshmi what are you hiding? Maa is giving them a new house? Is that what you were discussing with Ma? Thank God I came here and heard everything. Mangal says I just got to know. Karthik says I won’t let this happen. He says to Lakshmi we will talk in front of Maa only.

Karthik comes home. He asks Gayatri I can’t believe you did all this. Did you give her family a deal? Gayatri is shocked. She says what did you tell Karthik Lakshmi? Karthik says Lakshmi didn’t tell me anything. I found out myself. I want to ask you, what is all this? Omesh asks what’s happening? Karthik says Maa offered to purchase Lakshmi’s house and offered a big house in return. You know that house is special to Lakshmi because her parents made it. Why did you do all that? Omesh says Gayatri can’t do that. karthik says you knew where Lakshmi lives and you set up this marriage. Then why do you have a problem now? Lakshmi says Karthik, please. He says I know what that house means to you and Mangal. Gayatri says don’t you know your mom? I just purchased it and want to give them a new house in a good area. It was a gift. What is wrong? Karthik says you know.

Scene 2
Shanti breaks the things in the house. She says you all want to live in this hell. There’s no electricity water or light here. I’ll make this place a hell. This is Lakshmi’s parent’s tomb. I will burn everything. Mangal comes there. She says to control yourself. Leave these things. You always wanted to take this house and now you’re saying all this. You told me to not sell it for Lakshmi’s wedding. She says we have a better offer now. Mangal says so you will sell your soul? You are so greedy. Our respect is associated with a house. How could you think about breaking this house? Are you still ashaming Lakshmi? Her family can be bought with some money. She will be so embarrassed. Shanti says don’t give me lectures. Go to your house. Mangal says this is Lakshmi’s house. Don’t forget it.

Karthik says maa how could you forget it was Lakshmi’s house. You should have asked her once. Nidhi says don’t forget that house isn’t livable. It’s so down market. There’s so much smell, there are just gutters everywhere. And what did Maa do wrong? She’s giving them a much more expensive house. Karthik says it’s affecting someone’s self-respect. You should have asked what Lakshmi wanted. Shanti says Lakshmi came here and now Karthik adn Gayatri are fighting. Karthik says Lakshmi didn’t tell me anything. I am not a kid. And don’t change the point. He says maa I am still the same old Karthik. I don’t want to fight. Just imagine yourself in Lakshmi’s place. if Nidhi gets married and her in-laws don’t like our lifestyle and force us to move somewhere else would you feel good? Omesh says Karthik is right. I wish I knew. I would have stopped you. Karthik says that the house won’t be sold.

Mangal says Karthik won’t let this house be sold. You can do whatever you want but you have to live here. Gayatri says my son is questioning me like a criminal for the first time. My family who was proud of my decision doubted me. And I was just trying to do good. If you think I affected your self-respect, then I am wrong. If I knew my family would get me so wrong I won’t have done this. She leaves in anger. Lakshmi tries to stop her. Omesh says to give her some time.

Shanti says Mangal think about it, if Karthik fights with his mom would things be good there? Lakshmi will be balmed for it. Sanjana says mother and son have their first crack.

Scene 3
Mangal tells Karthik she pressed Karthik’s clothes for his office day tomorrow. He says cultural day not office day. Don’t you have any knowledge? Just says things for no reason. And I will wear the blue suit get that ready adn give me coffee. Somiya calls Adit. She says I wanna win the competition. he says don’t worry. It’s just our office people. She says I hope that woman doesn’t come as the very rude judge. Adit says people just make anyone a judge these days. I doubt their talent. She talks about the presentation. Mangal tries to speak to him but he doesn’t listen. She says to wear a blue suit. Mangal says do you know who the judge is? Adit says yes. why won’t I know? Don’t interferewithn my office problems. Mangal says I. he says shut up. Mangal says I am glad he knows.

Karthik comes to his room in anger. He throws the coat on the bed, it falls on Lakshmi. He says I am sorry. I forgot I don’t live alone anymore. He asks if is everything okay. She’s silent. Karthik says I am very sorry. He asks what happened. Did maa say anything? He says what? She says you shouldn’t have gotten mad at maa. you’re married now she might feel being sidelined. She’s very hurt. Karthik says I must support you. I know you won’t say anything so I have to protect you. You protect my family’s image in the party so today was my day to do the same. Lakshmi says don’t hurt your family’s feelings to do so. Just say sorry to maa. It will fix things. Karthik takes her to Gayatri. Karthik says to Gayatri we were just coming to you. I am sorry. I was very agitated today and rude. I shouldn’t have spoken like that. She says it’s okay. He asks are you mad? She says it happens. Karthik says see Lakshmi maa can never be mad at me. Gayatri says she doesn’t know our bond. Karthik says she was forcing me to say sorry to you. So I said I can go. Gayatri says you said sorry because Lakshmi asked. He says yes. That’s what I told her maa is very sorry. These formalities aren’t needed. She said no I should go and say sorry. Karthik husg her. He asks Lakshmi are you happy now? He says maa tell her everything is okay now. Gayatri nods.

Screen 4
The culture day starts. Adit’s colleague says you will get the award this year as well. Adit says hard work pays. Adit asks who will be the judge of the cooking competition. The manager tells Adit there is a big surprise for you. You will be shocked. Adit says what? He asks is that person strict? he says he’s a very nice person. Adit asks who is it? The manager says you will be shocked. She will be coming soon.

Somiya comes in. Adit meets her. He says you look so pretty. When I look at you I forget everything. She says you look handsome too. ishana says to Mangal why don’t you wear dresses like Somiya aunty? You should look like her when you’re going to her office. She says I will wear what I am comfortable in. Kusum says nothing is more beautiful than the saree. Somiya says it’d be so much fun. You will get the best employee of the year and I will get the winner of the cooking competition award. Adit says I am very confident you will win today. Magnal leaves the house.

Episode ends

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