May I Come In Madam Season 2 16th November 2023 Written Update

May I Come In Madam Season 2 16th November 2023 Written Update by MA

May I Come In Madam Season 2 16th November 2023 Written Episode

Bhupesh serves milk to Sanjana thinking her as a cat. Sanjana drinks it and returns bowl. Bhupesh goes to bring more milk. Sajan stops him and asks if he is going to beg with a bowl. Bhupesh says he was serving milk to a cat. Sajan takes milk bowl from him and sends him away. He then chats with Sanjana in a cat language and gives her Kashmira’s jewelry box.

Next day, Sanjana returns jewelry box to Sajan and says her company got a funding and hence she doesn’t need jewelry anymore. Sajan asks how will he return it to Kashmira. Sanjana sees Sanjana coming with Chedi and commissioner and beats Sajan. Once they enter, she tells them that a thief was carrying jewelry box in front of Sajan, Sajan fought with the goon and got it back. Kashmira gets happy seeing her jewelry back. Chedi says he would have been happy if Sajan had fought for other’s wives’ jewelry. Sajan says he will do even that. Commissioner announces a bravery award for Sajan.

At night, Ramvati visits Chedi’s house and flirts with him. Sanjana asks what is he doing outside, she heard a cat sound. He says there was a healthy cat outside. Sanjana asks him not to pay attention to a healthy cat or else it will barge into house forever. She drags Chedi in. Chedi throws a flying kiss at Ramvati.

Next day, Sanjana enters office lift in style as usual and demands Sajan to praise her beauty. He does. He then sees Bhupesh coming and hurriedly tries to close lift. Bhupesh’s finger gets stuck in a lift. Sanjana scolds Sajan, feels concerned for Bhupesh and asks him to take a leave today. Bhupesh refuses and demands a cold drink and biryani. Sanjana says Bhupesh is so studious and asks Sajan to apply ice to Bhupesh’s finger.

Sajan visits Khiloni and describes how concerned Sanjana was for Bhupesh. Khiloni says women are sensitive, Sanjana will hug and pamper even him if he is injured. He asks Sajan to remove his shirt and beats him with a cane. Next day, Sajan meets Sanjana at a parking lot. Khiloni as a beggar requests Sajan to give him some warm clothes as he is feeling cold. Sajan gives his shirt. Khiloni hugs him. Sajan writhes in pain. Sanjana asks what happened to him. Sajan shows his back wounds and says Kashmira beats him daily. Sanjana thinks she needs to talk to Sanjana.

Precap: Sajan tells Sanjana that he feels he is lonely. Sanjana takes him to a restaurant to lift his mood. Ramvati falls from a swing while talking to Chedi and breaks her leg. Doctor congratulates her. She says she didn’t do anything.

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