May I Come In Madam Season 2 7th November 2023 Written Update

May I Come In Madam Season 2 7th November 2023 Written Update by MA

May I Come In Madam Season 2 7th November 2023 Written Episode

A doctor asks Sanjana if she saw a donkey tattoo and not a horse tattoo in her dream. Sanjana says yes. Chedi argues with the doctor. Sanjana asks them to stop their argument and concentrate on her as she is a patient. Chedi walks out. Sajan asks him how is madam. Chedi says he is not his servant to relay him information. Sajan gives him 10 rs and asks him to return 5 rs. Chedi wears his red goggles and scolds Sajan for trying to bribe peon Chedi. He tells Sajan that Sanjana’s tattoo man wants to make Sanjana as his sister and wants her to tie rakhi to him. Sajan shouts in fear hearing that.

Sanjana walks to Sajan and says he can be their vest ad’s model and tells chedi that they can save money if Sajan acts as a model. Sajan excuses himself and runs to a bathroom. Chedi waits for him outside. Sajan asks him to leave. Chedi continues to wait and asks if he didn’t go to washroom since a week. He breaks the door open and finds Sajan already escaped via a window.

At home, Bhupesh asks Ramvati what gift she needs for her birthday. Ramvati shies. Sajan returns home. Ramvati and Bhupesh tie him to a chair and drag him to a bathroom. Kashmira says she will bathe him. Sajan asks Ramvati and
Bhupesh to get out of bathroom. Balu comes running and informs Kashmira that a baba who gave her a soap to apply on Sajan’s back himself betrayed his wife and was caught with another woman. Bhupesh says Kashmira’s plan failed. Kashmira asks him to free Sajan. Sajan beats Bhupesh.

Sajan visits his friends and gets his donkey tattoo removed after a much drama. Next day, Sajan visit office. Sanjana asks him to act as a vest company model. Sajan removes his shirt and gets into bath tub. Rani plays Sajan’s folk song. Sanjana gets an intuition again and tells Sajan that the donkey tattoo man told he wants to be her brother, she told she wants to be his girlfriend, he agreed and they kissed; she wants to meet that tattoo man again. Sajan cries seeing his plan failed. Drama continues…

Precap: Sanjana asks a demo salesman what is significance of green light in a truth band. Demo salesman says it signifies the thinking of a man towards a woman. Bhupesh asks Sanjana to test it on Sajan.

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