Meet 22nd June 2023 Written Update

Meet 22nd June 2023 Written Update by Tanaya

Meet 22nd June 2023 Written Episode

Raj raises his voice at Shlok as he sees him hug Sumeet. Filled with anger, Raj lunges towards Shlok, but Sumeet intervenes, explaining that Shlok is Abhay’s cousin who has arrived to share the news of Abhay’s mother accepting the alliance proposal for Vani. Sumeet advises Sumeet to go inside and share the good news with everyone. Raj apologizes to Shlok and extends an invitation for him to join them inside, but Shlok decides to leave. Masum, filled with excitement, expresses her disbelief that Vani is getting married to the one she loves. Vani suggests that Abhay’s mother agreed due to Sumeet’s influence.

Shagun stumbles upon family photos of Meet and contemplates her plans. She believes that she has held onto these pictures for years and now intends to make Sumeet endure a lifetime of challenges, even with Raj unable to help her. Sumeet ponders over Shagun’s remarks about her inability to sell flowers, contrasting it with Meet’s determination. Just then, Shlok calls Sumeet, praising her and encouraging her never to give up. Abhay and Vani, on the other hand, try on their engagement outfits.

Abhay arrives at the engagement ceremony accompanied by his father. Masum inquires about his mother, and his father explains that she has taken an oath not to attend any of the functions until they are completed, to ward off any ill omens. Abhay clarifies that his mother is his stepmother but cares deeply for him. Masum expresses concern to Raj, who assures her that he will ensure nothing goes wrong for Vani. Abhay’s father asks Shlok to fetch Shagun’s belongings from the car.

Sumeet follows him and shows him Meet’s bike, expressing her desire to ride it just like her mother. Meanwhile, Dadi informs Raj that one bag of Shagun money is missing.

Sumeet approaches Shlok, requesting his assistance in learning how to ride the bike. Agreeing to help, Shlok accepts a money bag with 51 rupees from Sumeet’s earnings as a token of good luck. Raj spots the money bag in Shlok’s pocket and jumps to the conclusion that he stole it. The priest announces that Vani and Abhay’s horoscopes match and sets the marriage date for seven days later. In an unexpected turn, Shagun asks the priest to match her horoscope with Sumeet’s. The priest predicts a favorable birth time for Shagun but warns of future hardships. Shagun envisions Sumeet as her maid and mocks her fate.

During the bike-riding lesson, Sumeet falls down when attempting to ride alone. Wonder boy’s photos fall out of her bag, prompting Shlok to playfully tease her about being a fan. Sumeet recalls that Shlok works at the same office and asks if he knows who wonder boy is. Engaging in a delightful conversation, Sumeet eagerly asks Shlok to reveal his identity. Shlok mischievously tricks Sumeet into believing that he is the wonder boy. Later, Shlok’s friend confides in him, revealing that Sumeet will discover the truth in just two days, after the event. Shlok believes that two days are ample time to fall in love.

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