MTV Warrior High 21st April 2015 Written Update

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MTV Warrior High 21st April 2015 Written Update by Sona

MTV Warrior High 21st April 2015 Written Episode

Kamini tells Urmilla that these are the four students, Urmilla comes to the all and asks Seemi her name. She asks what were you two doing with these girls. Seemi says she didn’t go willingly into the classroom. Urmilla asks what does this mean. Seemi asks to trust her. Urmilla says she can understand about the boys as they had movie night, why were girls not in their dorm. Seemi says today is her birthday, Seemi says they were celebrating. Then everyone went to their dorms except for them. Urmilla asks Kamini to see midnight parties are happening here. She asks Seemi what was she doing with the boys. Seemi says Rohit took her there, Rohit says she is lying. Urmilla says that both you girls were found breaking the rules, Rohit must be true then. Siali thinks about her promise to Utkarsh, then Seemi as well. Siali says this boy is lying, she tells her that Krissane and Seemi played prank on her, when she was going back to classroom she heard Seemi shouting. Rohit was harassing Seemi. Rohit argues, Siali asks why then was he out till 12 when the movie had ended at 11. She tells Urmilla that boys didn’t go to their dorms, they were watching vulgar movies in AV room. Urmilla is enraged and scolds Mr. Partik. She asks the staff to get all the students in her room, right now. Siali thinks that for the first time she didn’t kept his promise, but here a girl’s character was in question.
Kamini and Partik walk the students to Urmilla’s room. Kamini asks all the students except Niti and Parth inside. Ayaz asks Utkarsh if his friend had told everything. Utkarsh says she promised him, she won’t tell her anything.
Niti says to Parth that she hopes Siali looks upon everything.
Urmilla says according to Siali, you all were watching X-rated movie in AV room. She asks girls, with whose permission they were doing midnight party. How dare they all. She says this is warrior high, it’s a shame they were caught this doing this. Ayaz tries to explain, Urmilla asks him to shut up. Urmilla says they will get harsh punishment for this and their parents will also be informed about this. For next four weeks no sports week for them, and for the next two weeks they will do sweeping in the corridors. And who ever denies to do so, she will personally take action against them.
Utkarsh walks out of room, off-mooded. Parth and Niti ask what happened, Utkarsh says she couldn’t fulfil a promise. Siali comes out, Ayaz comes to her and says they will never forget her betrayal. Parth asks Siali what happened, Siali says nothing and walks out. Niti follows her. Parth tells Siali not to be effected with what people say. Siali says she broke Utkarsh’s promise, he must be angry at her. Utkarsh comes to them, he asks Siali about his promise angrily. He says they are all caught because of her. Siali says a girl’s respect was at stake, she would have got punished. Utkarsh complains that a girl is important than him for her today. He says he told everyone that she won’t tell anything to maam, what will he now say. He wasn’t ready to listen to anything. Niti asks Utkarsh to stop fighting. Siali calls him idiot like them, Utkarsh leaves angrily. Parth tells Siali she will go there for him. Niti is worried that Siali and Utkarsh never fight, what has happened to them.
Krissane stops Siali and says her mission was successful. She must be wanting to dance, they could never think Siali would be so stupid. Siali says right now she isn’t interested in their rubbish, they must keep their mouth shut and leaves.
Niti cries thinking she even got to see Siali and Utkarsh fight in warrior high. What should she do. Charlie comes to her. Niti asks why is he standing here, he sits besides her and says he wanted to be alone for sometime. He asks if she is worried, she can share it with him. Niti says she can’t speak to him now, he must let her get peace. Charlie says his dad says telling your tension to someone reduces it, she might tell him about it. Niti says this isn’t school but a pain for them, here no one has a heart, no one understand each other here. Her friends have started fighting each other. Charlie says friends fight often. Niti says they have never fought this way, this even happened in warrior high here. Charlie asks her not to take tension, he is with her. Niti cries, Charlie holds his hand and keeps it around Niti’s shoulder. She keeps her head on his chest and cries. She stands up immediately, then asks why is he coming near to her because no one is around. She doesn’t need friends who change colour like chameleon in front of others.
Sid comes to Siali, Siali asks him not to start now as she doesn’t want to speak to anyone. Sid says he just came here to tell her she behaved idiotically. Siali says when Rohit blamed Seemi falsely, he was standing quiet. Siali says friendship isn’t bigger than respect of a girl. Her friend is also bearing the punishment, today, for the first time her best friend fought with her and he thinks she is enjoying. She wipes her tears. Siali says she cant expect it from him when Utkarsh couldn’t understand her. Sid says this girl is idiot.

PRECAP: Siali tells Krissane that she knows what is the respect of a girl. Siali warns Krissane that one day when these girls aren’t around her with her, she will understand it. Seemi stops Krissane for saying another word to Siali. Kamini plans a trap for Vibha to be caught with Parth.

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