Nimki Mukhiya 10th September 2018 Written Update

Nimki Mukhiya 10th September 2018 Written Update by Atiba

Nimki Mukhiya 10th September 2018 Written Episode

Scene 1
Nimki says Babbu what are you doing? He says if you want your dignity to stay then shut up. He takes Sweeti from there. Tettar says when there was pooja in your own house what were you doing there? Ritu says yes answer what was so important there? Babu says she was watching the program nothing else. Sweeti is dazed why he lied.
Mauha says why did Babu take sweeti? Nimki says she wasn’t well.
Babbu says never go to ghat tola or BDO’s house again. Sweeti or what? Will you shoot me too? He says yes. Ritu says Babbu had to go for need. Swweeti and I went with my will. Annaro says to watch dance with that Nimki? Sweeti says no I danced with them. Both Nimki and Abhi. Tettar slaps her. She falls down.

Tune says to Ram this program was so much fun. Why are

there tears in your eyes? Ram says Nimki was saying true about Tettar and he family. Tell me truth. Tune says there is no such thing.
Annaro says you wont go out of this house. Sweeti says you are detained as well. We all have no worth. You are a woman like me. Women that they have captured. Do we have any value in world of these men? No. She leaves.
Tune says there is no such thing. Ram says she was saying true.. Tune says no. You have to stay strong for her. she really loves you. Ram says don’t tell Nimki. Nimki comes and says Tune papa is crying. Why? he came home after so long. I hate tears.
Nimki says he is crying because we not serving food on time. She says eat then I have to go back to haveli. Nimki says why is he crying. tell me please. Tune says we were talking about his dad. Ram hugs Tune.

Scene 2
Nimki comes home. She says I hope they were not mad at Sweeti. Sweeti says to Ritu you accuse me what about things that you do outside this house. What about your whores outside this city? he says you got caught and shouting at me? She says I wasn’t sleeping with BDO. You sleep with all these women. He says enough. Forgot how I showed you your worth that day. Would you get me shot? I am a politician. I will make him shoot you. Yes i have three affairs. So what? A man can do anything but you can’t. If I prove you haev an affair with BDO he will kill you. Nimki hears everything. He says I don’t love you. I only came here for power. You just came as part of the deal. He shoves her. Nimki is angry.
Nimki comes to her room and cries.

Scene 3
Sweeti comes to Nimki’s room. She says nice color curtain. She says papa brought it for me for my marriage. But he didn’t give. Nimki says this coat.. He left you alone. Sweeti says no he took care of me. Nimki says he hit the thugs and made you wear this coat so he is a hero? i shouldn’t have sent you with him. Sweeti says the car was broke. When a person like him is with you the journey looks a lot better. Nimki says what about Ritu?

No precap.

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