Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan 26th June 2024 Written Update

Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan 26th June 2024 Written Update by Sona

Pyar Ka Pehla Naam Radha Mohan 26th June 2024 Written Episode

Yug says he has to do all these things because of Manan but t is good as he and Radhika are both here while Manan is there and when he opens the door of the fridge it will cause a blast. The lady Inspector says no one will be spared and she will give punishment, Radhika says she would be punished if she has slapped her son, the Inspector coming asks what about Yug, Radhika replies she had tried to stop Yug, Inspector asks what would Yug do if she hits Radhika, who replies they both are very responsible parents and will never do it in the future, Radhika requests the Inspector to let her go back to her son as he is alone in the house and they can come back if this is what she desires.

Manan walking thinks the smell keeps rising so there is surely something, he along with Champi walk down the stairs and Champi goes to look at the stove before running back to Manan who wonders from where would the smell be coming from, he thinks he is coughing very badly so must drink some water from the fridge, Champi starts barking while standing in front of Manan who asks if there is something there, Champi starts to pull Manan from his leg while he requests Champi to let go of him and then Manan falls on the floor, Manan asks what did Champi do as he got hurt, the gas is still flowing from the stove.

The Inspector hands the pen to Radhika saying she should write it one thousand times on the board that it is a crime to hurt a child, Radhika refuses to write it when the Inspector replies she would otherwise be sent to jail and her son would stay alone for whom she is so worried, Radhika agrees to write it on the board while the inspector is looking at her, Yug thinks he would have written her name on the card board and so exclaims to cut her into so many pieces that even the police inspector would not be able to recognize her, Radhika starts walking back when Mohan calls her saying Radhika would do just as she desires and this is Usha jee from Child welfare, the lady Inspector praises Usha jee for her work saying she follows her on social media. Mohan says then the Inspector would know what has Usha jee taught the parents and then explains there are some ghosts which can only be taught by beating them and Usha jee would teach Radhika how to raise a child properly to make sure they become good human beings, Mohan says if Radhika does not accept it then Usha jee would make a case and the inspector can make her write it one hundred thousand times, the lady Inspector praises Mohan jee, Radhika tells Usha mam she does not need any counseling and is a mother so knows how to raise a child, Usha mam asks her to stay quiet until she has been asked to speak otherwise she will file such a case that they both would stay behind bars for the entire life. Radhika asks how is she talking to her, Yug advises Radhika to not do anything and Mohan is purposefully instigating her to speak like this, Mohan says Yug is already behind bars but he says that Mohan is behind it all, Radhika replies it is all the doing of Mohan, Usha says her husband Yug is very smart but she is not like that but would be taught a lesson.

Manan says that Champi caused him to fall so hard and he is hungry while also needs to drink water, Manan then goes past the stove towards the fridge.

Usha Mam asks how is the child, Inspector replies he is fine but just has the marks of slap on his cheek, Mohan replies he was very shocked and crying while explains these people are very harsh, Usha says to Miss Kholi that couples tend to give birth but forget raising a child is an art and children are like bunt leafs which break if pushed a bit hard and they have to be very careful with the children, Radhika requests Usha mam to hurry up as her child is alone in the house, Usha says that tey are going to perform an acct here when a child would prevent to be her child in which they see her reaction and after that she will start teaching Radhika. Mohan agrees to become the child for the act, Usha mam agrees when Yug says they have the artist in the cell, Mohan agrees saying now Yug should witness how he becomes the child. Mohan asks Usha mam to see the nice performance.

Mohan starts acting like thee child but Radhika then starts to cry seeing which Mohan goes to hug her.

Manan going to the fridge tries to open it but wonders why is he not able to open it, Champi keeps barking when Manan thinks the fridge might be locked and his mother would have done it so he cannot drink cold water. Manan thinks of when his mother locked the fridge because if Manan drinks cold water then it might cause trouble for him. Manan thinks his mother would have surely hidden the key on top of the fridge, Manan tries to reach for it but is not able to, he sits down.

Radhika pushes Mr Trivedi away when Yug threatens to hit him from now, Mohan asks if a son would not hug his mother then who would he hug, the alcoholic also warns Mohan to not touch her, Yug threatens to leave the alcoholic onto him Radhika warns Mr Trivedi to stop the drama saying she does not need any counseling, Usha getting up says Radhika can say whatever she desires after which she would do what she has come here for, explaining she will write a report on both of their names in which they both would be issued an FIR, and they will spend the rest of their lives in jail. Radhika requests Usha mam to listen to her as her son is in the house, Mohan replies that Manan will call him, Yug pleads with Radhika to not call Manan otherwise it would ruin his plan.

Manan asks Champi why is he making so much noise, Manan sees the chair placed in the corner so starts walking towards it, he put the lamp on the floor before trying to push it towards the fridge, he is struggling to use force however is then able to do it, Inspector replies he cannot give the phone and when she cared so much then would have shown at the time her husband was slapping him, Radhika says she cannot understand how her son would be, Yug thinks it is time for Manan to eat and he would have opened the fridge so now no one can save him. Manan tries to pt the key in the fridge and then tries to turn it.

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