Qubool Hai 01st July 2013 Written Update

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Qubool Hai 01st July 2013 Written Update by Rimjhim

Qubool Hai 01st July 2013 Written Episode

Scene 1:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Mamu turns around just in time to find Razia adjusting a sandbag, not knowing that Badi bi is inside it. razia is shocked to see him, and when he asks why is she standing there, she avoids it saying that he should change while she serves him food. After he hears this, he turns around to go, but then turns again, and moves to Razia, who is shocked. He tells razia that he knows that she is worried for humaira, and that soon everything would be alright. razia is relieved as mamujaan leaves. She again gets back to work, and fixes the bag. Razia puts the bag in the store, and turning on the exhaust, she gets to her work.

Mamujaan hearing noise from the cellar, wonders who is there, and goes to find out. As razia is busy in her work, tying badi bi top the chair, she doesnt realise that mamujaan is walking towards her. She is shocked when he hears his voice knocking and asking who is it inside. Finally razia says that its her. He is surprised and asks her the reason, and why has she locked it. Badi bi has tears but is unable to say anything. She comes out and locks the store, and is asked by mamu about the reason. Razia says that there’s valuable stuff inside, and she has sprayed medicine on the expensive carpets. Hence didnt want anyone to get infected, hence locked the room. Mamu leaves from there, while razia is relieved. She eyes the store and the lock on it.

All are having dinner, while rashid asks for badi bi. Razia says that she went out to meet someone. Rashid is surprised who is it, and at this hour. He decides to call her, scaring razia. But fortunately, the phone doesnt get through for razia. She says that maybe there’s no siganl, and she would call when she reaches. Rashid still is upset at this inexplicable behaviour. Ayan comes in talking to the inspector, while searching for something. He jots down something, while the family watches in tension. Ayan tells them, that agirl has been found in the clinic in the outskirts, and that could be humaira. All are excited and tensed too at this.

Scene 2:
Location: Asad’s residence
Dilshad is given a gift by Daijaan, and is asked about asad. she and nazma get tensed. Just then, asad enters, in a dishevelled state. He wishes Daijaan, and is given Prashad of a very known place, saying that he shouldnt lose hope, and also gives him a taveez, for his good health. She asks him to leave her to her house.

Scene 3:
Location: Orphanage
Asad crosses the orphanage, while having left Daaijaan oblivious that zoya’s there, who also doesnt know that asad’s car is passing through. He stops ahead of the orphanage, having just realised something. He gets out of the car, just in time that zoya walks in. He again sits dejectedly in the car, and starts it. But he hears a shattering noise of the glass, and a huge commotion of people that follows. Due to the accident, a child gets hurt, and zoya rushes out and carries her into her arms, while asad sees her in the rear view mirror, and is overwhlemed to have finally found her. He sees them going inside the orphanage and rushes out to go inside.

Asad comes to the caretaker and asks about zoya, who he just saw and expresses his desire to meet her. The caretaker agree, but says that she wont meet as she has told that she doesnt want any visitors. He says that he just wants to know if she’s okay. He tells asad that she is distraught and all the time either prays or sits alone, and since she doesnt want anyone to meet her, he cant give her permission too. He asks asad who is he and if he knows the reason for her behaviour. He tells him that somebody has broken his heart, and asks him to wish that whoever did this to her, should get such a punishment that he doesnt ever dare something like that again. He asks asad who is he to her.(SAD MITWA) He is speechless and walks off. He stands beside the car, and is in tears.

Inside the lady announces asad’s arrival, to zoya, who is shocked to hear this but then is plesantly surprised and rushes outside to go to meet him, overwhelmed that he finally came seeking out for her. But then she stops herself, and is tearful to see asad with his back towards her. As he turns around, she ducks so as not to be seen, barely controlling her tears. He gets into the car and begins to start to drive off. Zoya stealthily comes outside completely in tears and is asked by the lady caretaker as to what is it, that brings her outside. As she sees asad’s car going away, she tells the lady that next time anyone comes looking for her, they should be told that she doesnt live here anymore. This surprises them. The screen freezes on Zoya’s teary distraught face.

Precap: Humaira comes back to the house along with the nurses, while the whole family is excited to have her back. As razia asks her where had she gone, she tells them that they all are mistaken. She says that she isnt Humaira but Rajni Shukla, shocking them completely. In the orphanage, while zoya is spreading clothes on the roof, she is strangled by a cloth by Tanveer. tanveer gaga her, and then lays her, and makes a brick wall around her, so that she suffocates and dies, before anyone can find her there.


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    July 01, 23:56 Reply

    Let me guess… U ppl may like someone from twilight too….

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:57

      Star does . .i don’t watch Vampire shows .

    • Starlight
      July 01, 23:58

      Team Jacob all the way ….. lol

    • Starlight
      July 01, 23:59

      I like werewolves …. Not Vamps

    • Suni
      July 02, 00:03

      Same difference 😀

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:56

      He’s ok , in Wolverine he was really buffed . I didn’t like his character though .

    July 01, 23:54 Reply

    Ok i so atleast there is someone whom we agree on…. 😀

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:59

      Just 1 out of so many . But , at least we found one i 🙂 .

    July 01, 23:48 Reply

    Ya i saw siva…. I dint find him good luking….

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:51

      I do

    July 01, 23:46 Reply

    What abt the one who played captain america in avengers ???he looks good enough….

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:50

      Chris Evans , agreed .

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:48

      Yeah , no use having good looks and terrible thoughts .

    July 01, 23:43 Reply

    Are u both just messing with me ???
    Dude!! Really????
    Who doesnt like johncena ??

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:45

      Because he looks like Jon Cena .

    July 01, 23:41 Reply

    @suni eoin morgan looks better than cook…
    Even brendon mccullum looks better than cook…
    Cook’s jaw bone is dismantled 😀

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:45

      Idk , but I don’t like the perfect looking guys . I like the distinctive look .
      What about Siva , can you find him on google ?

  7. Suni
    July 01, 23:41 Reply

    Not Dwayne Johnson either .

    • Starlight
      July 01, 23:42

      Suni ..I like the rock … even though he’s huge

    July 01, 23:39 Reply

    Going by this u may find me attractive…. 😀 😀
    ok what about johncena ???

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:40


    • Starlight
      July 01, 23:41

      John Cena ???? Are you kidding ???
      Not even close …

      Now the Rock is a different story 🙂

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:43

      You have attractive thinking . . . That’s all we need to be friends on the forum .,

    July 01, 23:36 Reply

    I dint choose iron man b4 black widow by considering their looks… I chose him for his character in the film… Black widow doesnt have any super powers…

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:39

      She had womanly powers . .

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:34

      No it’s a band .

  10. Suni
    July 01, 23:32 Reply

    Starlight , check Kaka , tell me what you think please .

    • Starlight
      July 01, 23:34

      I did … Sorry
      He doesn’t rock my boat :-/

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:36

      He is like Keanu , he was more handsome b4 , he is just 29 though .

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:38

      Make that 31 .

    • Starlight
      July 01, 23:39

      He looks more like Hugh Grant to me

    July 01, 23:31 Reply

    Now u both need to get ur eyes tested…. 😛

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:33

      Says the guy who chose Iron Man b4 the Black Widow 😛 .

    July 01, 23:30 Reply

    Speed????? U really need ur eyes tested…. He looked the worst in speed… He looked awesome in matrix and constantine..

  13. Starlight
    July 01, 23:29 Reply

    Suni .. I googled them … Cute …. Not pretty enough for me 🙂

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:31

      He is half Irish , half Sri Lankan he has a twin an was scouted while modeling for The Wanted . I don’t even have to google that to remember 😀 .

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:34

      Siva , that is .

    July 01, 23:27 Reply

    What abt keanu reeves ??? He is the most attractive man i have ever seen….

    July 01, 23:26 Reply

    What abt keanu reeves ??? He is the most attractive man i have ever seen…

    • Starlight
      July 01, 23:28

      I had a crush on him growing up … After I saw him in speed ..

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:29

      Nuh uh . ,

    • Starlight
      July 01, 23:31

      Well not now …. When he was much younger and hotter lol

  16. Suni
    July 01, 23:19 Reply

    Star , why Josh Duhmael ? I know , you might say why Siva Kaneswaran 🙂 .

    • Starlight
      July 01, 23:24

      He’s ruggedly handsome … Did you see him in transformers ??

      I like Tyler Hoechlin .. Also …. Dale gets jealous of him lol

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:25

      I did , he was the army guy .

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:26

      Yeah. . .we can agree to disagree on both of them 🙂 .

  17. Starlight
    July 01, 23:18 Reply

    David Beckham … Is smoking hot ….
    Suni never herd of those guys …

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:20

      Lol , google them and tell me .

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:21

      No , I don’t like Beckham . . You’re correct in saying that you like the pretty boys 😛 .

    July 01, 23:17 Reply

    What does attractiveness has to do with mental health ????

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:18

      What pleases the eye pleases the mind 🙂 .
      But , it isn’t the most important thing .

  19. tasmia983
    July 01, 23:15 Reply

    The drama is going boring nowadays. We want 2 see asad and Zoya 2gethere and tanveer ka gal lal 😛

    July 01, 23:14 Reply

    Dont tell me u find matt damon attractive….

    • Starlight
      July 01, 23:16

      No yuck … He’s old …

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:16

      I definitely won’t .

    July 01, 23:10 Reply

    See, this is y i dont dare to make a relationship…. No one knows what a girl is thinking or what she likes… U both dont find bale, attractive !!!!!! I dont know what to say… 😮

    • Starlight
      July 01, 23:13

      Bales is an American Psycho … lol

    • Starlight
      July 01, 23:11

      I’m much better now Zac … Thanks for asking

  22. Starlight
    July 01, 23:06 Reply

    I’m still here … Watching teen Wolff also

  23. Suni
    July 01, 23:03 Reply

    Star , don’t disappear without telling me 🙁 .

  24. Suni
    July 01, 23:00 Reply

    Starlight , who do you yep think is most attractive . Give me the name of 3 guys .

    • Starlight
      July 01, 23:11

      I like pretty boys Suni … Don’t laugh OK ????

      Josh Duhmael …

      KSG … Omg he’s so beautiful when shaven lol

      Can’t thnk of a third one

    • Suni
      July 01, 23:14

      Ok , I don’t really think that KSG is that hot , but the 6 pack definitely is ..
      I’ll say Siva Kaneswaran from The Wanted . Kaka from Real Madrid and I really like England’s one day cricket captain Alastair Cook .

  25. Suni
    July 01, 22:59 Reply

    Enjoy your breakfast Zac . .

    July 01, 22:58 Reply

    I escaped, without a rope…. 😀
    i’l be back after breakfast…if u both r still here… Otherwise sweet drems 🙂

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