Qubool Hai 12th September 2014 Written Update

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Qubool Hai 12th September 2014 Written Update by Armu4eva

Qubool Hai 12th September 2014 Written Episode

Part 1

Its morning, Rehaan wakes up and finds himself alone in the room. Right then Sehar enters after having showered. He drools on her as she sets her wet hair. He recollects the moments spent with Sanam. Sehar notices him staring at her and asks if she is looking very pretty. Rehaan says no. Sehar fumes what. Rehaan stammers. He stares at her and asks about her clothes. Sehar asks why.. are they bad. Rehaan says they are nice. Sehar says.. the guests who stayed before.. left it back. She says.. i dont like old clothes. Rehaan asks how can it fit so well on you. Sehar says my body type is such that all clothes fit. Sehar asks done with interview.. lets have breakfast. Rehaan asks from where. Sehar says .. we have to make this .. i made it. She hides the packets. But ends up tripping and Rehaan holds her in time. Rehaan asks where did all the cooking stuff come from. Sehar says ur name should be ..question mark… what did u think . .i went stealing shops in the morning. I searched it and found it. Rehaan stares at her. Sehar says.. u are staring at me with so much doubt.. do u think i steal.. all u do.. is doubt on me. She starts to cry. Rehaan says.. no nothing like that.. sorry. He leaves from there. Sehar says.. in entire life.. havent acted so much.. as have to now… from where did this 007 come in my life. All i want is to steal ..and he is busy eating my head. My patience is running thin.. wanna clean up his locker. Rehaan tells Sehar.. u stay back here.. i have to go for a meeting. I will lock the office. Sehar asks.. if u lock office.. how will i work. Rehaan says fine.. come along. Sehar is taken aback. Sehar wonders.. how much more efforts do i have to put to steal this sawalo ki dukaan ki tijori..!

Sanam wakes up and wonders where is Ahil. She recollects Ahil tossing and turning and goes out of the room and asks Latif where is Ahil. Latif says ..went for a meeting. Sanam turns and finds a lady in veil ..staring at her. Its Dilshad but she can only stare at Sanam ..unable to talk. Sanam asks Latif who it is and he says.. Razias relative.. she is paralysed. Dilshads hands are shaking.. she is trying to reach out to Sanam. Razia comes and notices. She goes to check the matter and sees Sanam leaving from there. Razia smirks …so seeing ur own blood . .u got active too Dilshad. She says.. it is Sanam .. ur grand daughter. Razia says.. there is something interesting about ur grand daughter and only i know it. She tells Dilshad.. ur grand daughter is alive .. not this one.. the twin.. Sehar. Dilshad is taken aback and stares blankly at Razia. Flashback shown of Dilshad playing with the kids and the gruesome attack.

Sehar is talking on phone and says.. that am 200 kms off from Bhopal… the moment i get mauka. .will maro chauka. Rehaan comes back in the car and asks who u talking to. Sehar says .. family. Rehaan says .. u said ur family is upset with u running away. Sehar says.. mom dad are upset .. have .. bro .. sis. Rehaan is about to drive when a guy comes in front and Rehaan puts brake. Sehar says.. lets leave. Rehaan says .. the guy must be hurt. Sehar says.. look at the way he is lying down. .. he is a thief .. we cant see his hands. .what if he has a weapon. We shouldnt help anyone on deserted street. Rehaan says i found u on deserted street too. He gets out of car to check on the person while Sehar ..cribs .. people like these cant have brains.

Part 2

Rehaan finds himself surrounded by thugs and asks what do u need. The thugs say.. pay up. Sehar prays to God and gets out of car. Rehaan assures to pay up. Sehar says.. this is money earned by hardwork .. no way are u giving this up. Sehar asks the thugs.. who is ur boss. One of the thug says. .am the boss. Sehar asks him to come aside. Rehaan asks Sehar to go sit in the car .. Sehar says u din listen to me. .so i wont listen to u. Sehar asks the thugs..what drama is this.. The thugs say.. robbing him. Sehar starts to punch the guy but he is unaffected. He holds her hand and slaps her. Rehaan is furious and beats up the thugs. Sehar is taken aback. She says.. thought .. he is PREM of Maine Pyaar Kiya but he turned into Pandey ji from Dabang. He beats up all the thugs. Sehar asks the boss of the thugs.. so how u doing. He asks. .why din u tell us .. he is our boss. Sehar says.. so u found out.. now..wait. Sehar slaps the thug and they run away. Sehar gushes to Rehaan about his bashing the thugs but he fumes on her and asks her to get in the car.

Part 3

Ahil is on his way back and looks at his mobile, missed calls from Sanam. Right then someone from Lawyers office comes with papers for Tanveer. Ahil takes the papers and reads them. Its Property papers of Ahil. Ahil recollects Sanam caring for him. Ahil rues.. why does the things we are scared of always come infront of us. Sehar asks Rehaan if he is fine. Rehaan says small injury. Sehar notices his neck bleeding and says.. lets go to doc. Rehaan says.. go in my cabin and get the first aid box. Sehar smirks and goes. Rehaans moby rings.. its Tanveer. She asks him where he is…and why he wasnt receving her calls. Tanveer says. .am ur mom .. i care for u. She asks Rehaan if all is well and he is well placed. Rehaan stays quiet. Tanveer tells Rehaan ..i know ur upset with me. .but am under compulsion. Till i get the property papers. .have to listen to Ahil .. u know how much i love u .. dont u. Ahil overhears the whole convo.

Precap — Ahil tears the property papers. Later.. he and Sanam are decorating a model of a house with lush green fields. Sanam tells Ahil that she wants a small but beautiful and open place for her dream home. Ahil says .. he wants a room where there are no bad thoughts and one that has thick walls so the noise of hunter doesnt pierce thru them. Sanam looks at him caringly.

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  1. skf
    September 13, 06:07 Reply

    i think QH is one of the best serial compared to most serials. They have managed to keep the viewers interest from the time of KSG till Karanvir.

    No doubt there are repetition of KSG era eg. the grave yard scene, its still enjoyable though.

    Like many of you I just hope they don’t drag too long and loose the essence. The time is ripe now to turn the tables on Tanveer and revenge for murder of Asad and Zoya and tie up all the loose ends and bring a happy ending.

    What I personally look forward is for Ahil to confess his undying love to Sanam. Sanam won’t be able to figure it out herself. She is blur. So Aahil has to declare…. waiting for this moment and the writers have not dissapointed viewers so far ….

    • Amy
      September 13, 10:32

      Before you were not praising QH, it is only because your pathetic show ended that you are here.

    • skf
      September 14, 07:20


      I was not praising not only QH but all other shows because I did not watch any other show than EMA. I did not have time to watch so many shows. I accidently started watching EMA and got hooked on it . I stopped watching EMA from the last day of Rachana P & Ashish Chaudhury. Then only I started looking for other shows coz I hd the time. OF all I like QH the best. So I had to go back to the first show..Asad & Zoya era and now I have caught up with current episode. I truly enjoyed every episode and it kept me interested till now and hence my praise to QH.

  2. pabzzy
    September 13, 04:17 Reply

    precap nice tanveer going down….

  3. dvlakshmi
    September 13, 02:36 Reply

    PS.It is a request as well as a suggestion to the CVs.

  4. dvlakshmi
    September 13, 02:34 Reply

    No complaints about the contents of the show. Our interests are refueled by the course of action the tale takes . Much is in store for us in the coming weeks judging from the promos, right from whether Aahil truly overheard Tanveer’s telephone talk . One really wonders who was at the other side talking to Seher too. Once again, the plot has tightened . Kudos to the CVs . I have one suggestion to the writers and director- work overtime on Sanam and her emotions. At least, let her become aware for an emotion known as ‘love’ and realize that she has this within her for Aahil . That stage would lead to more tenderness and understanding between them . Let QH not be yet another rigmarole where the the protagonists declare their feelings at the very end or near end.Let the viewers be a witness of their emotions.We have partaken in the agony of the tormented soul of Aahil , let us be a witness in their ecstasy . Am I asking for too much ? I don’t think so !

  5. QH FAN
    September 13, 02:09 Reply

    I Like some commenters here very much andove their comments so much that i read daily 🙂 they r

    • dvlakshmi
      September 13, 03:09

      Agree with you. I usually don’t comment till I’ve read all that has been posted.There are few more names to be added to your list. Good work should always be appreciated.

    • aquabreezeqhian
      September 13, 08:37

      ohh.. this is something unexpected.. but why yes.. thanks a lot. and yeps there are a couple more nAmes which could make it heree.. infact even i was interested in this group after reading the comments.. the way every aspect of the show is discussed is amazing.. It was this that made me love dtb and especially qh page much more.. The commenters here too are mostly mature and good analytics which fascinated me.. and again, thanks a lot.. it infact took me by a surprise and a pleasant one it is!!!

  6. Ruby
    September 13, 02:05 Reply

    Weird name 😀 😉
    Sorreeeeeeyyyyy…… 😛

  7. Ruby
    September 13, 02:04 Reply

    What it cnt end on oct it shud go on forevaaaa…..
    No way I think ur wrong aquabreezeqhian

    • aquabreezeqhian
      September 13, 08:54

      and neither do i want it to end. QH is such good a show and i strive on SaHil scenes. You know the way how we all yearn for a even a simple casual SaHil talk atleast which is enough for us and the way we devour that feel till the next episode.. Those small little happy moments.. Well thats what life is right. A mash up of several feelings and at the end its those little happy moments that take the most place in our hearts and make us laugh when we sit back and rethink about them.. But my Big question is.. if that sequence is to be believed.. for once lets assume its real.. what next? Aahil knows the truth.. next sanam will.. amd everyone shall too.. and then after its revealed.. there (according to me) could be no more scenes ample enough to hold our interests.. All is well and that ends well.. 🙁 !!

  8. Ruby
    September 13, 02:01 Reply

    Rhyma is ryt bt he tore the paper
    Mayb Cz he don’t wanna leave sanam
    Gosh!!!! I luv rehaan
    Sehaan is soo cute
    They didn’t show faya today?????? :O

  9. anonymous
    September 13, 01:58 Reply

    I don’t want haya and faiz coz dey r lyk bunch of scrap luving someone marrying someone but sahil scenes are very good..rehan and seher scenes are nt bad

  10. Rhyma
    September 13, 01:24 Reply

    I don’t think cvs will show that easily that aahil knows about Tanveers truth. May be he has an earpiece and he’s listening to music. He must have ripped the papers because he wants to spend time with Sanam.
    I would really applaud the cvs if they show Aahil heard the truth about his mom on phone unlike the usual soaps where bad is planning and winning against so and daughter in law and son and daughter in law have mis understandings among themselves because of the mother.

    We must be very lucky if they show Aahil to be so smart. And sensible. The usual way is it takes months for the heroes to see and understand the truth.

  11. aquabreezeqhian
    September 12, 22:47 Reply

    kv did say that a twist is awaiting in qubool hai and we all would love it.. Could it be this? Tanveer letting it go soo easy.. Its never like that and i seriously wish it wouldn’t be.. Though how much i wanted SaHil to be together. I thought it would be sanam who figures out everything and then have to convince Aahil.. Now kv figuring it out in a way changed the whole game.. It could be soo easily accomplished and what kills me the most is sooo is qh gonna end in October? the way its rushing if that parts true.. the whole confession of tanveer will be heading near too.. now should i be happy for that or sad ??! Mixed feelings 🙂 🙁

    • Amy
      September 12, 22:57

      I’ll be very happy if if ends in Oct. before it looses it’s essence and becomes like rotting fruit that is better off being tossed. Everything has an expiry date and too often these serials go on past their best by date and leave the audience feeling sick to be around them.

  12. ♥♥sumaira♥♥
    September 12, 21:15 Reply

    Hello everyone
    Im sumaira aka ♥♥kumkum bhagya♥♥
    I had school so I wasbt here for a longgg while
    Its weekend bow soo.
    How r u all
    Sameer bro

  13. jasmine
    September 12, 21:12 Reply

    ahil and sanam have to be the lead of the show without them dere is no qubool hai and plz directors show more romantic scenes between ahil and sanam

  14. Kris
    September 12, 16:09 Reply

    Wow, finally Ahil knows Tanveer s truth, way to go, no more dragging it. Looking forward to him being civilized if not loving Sanam. Looking forward to Seher Rehan scenes

    • Stephen Salvortore
      September 12, 21:49

      No i don’t think Aahil will find out about Tanveer they won’t make it so easy it’s indian television’s way of dragging things and obviously Tanveer will confess about Sanam and Aahil’s past at the same time so it’s more of a shock when everyone will find out at the same moment!! 🙂

    • Stephen Salvortore
      September 12, 21:56

      Not looking forward to Rehaan and Sehar maybe only sehar she is really funny

  15. muskaan
    September 12, 16:05 Reply

    From where did this stupid lovestory came yaar. Aahil and sanam are the best.And yesterday koi bhi scene nahi tha yaar. Very annoying

  16. y
    September 12, 15:51 Reply

    Viewers want more sanam and ahil scenes,
    but it’s not possible more, unfortunately there is another boring love story seher and rahaan like faiz and haya and now seher and rahaan are main lead of show, cvs want to add some humor to show by them but i think their part it’s not funny and interesting

    • Kiran
      September 12, 18:29

      I think Rehaan and Seher are fab …..need to inject fun, can’t be intense love story all the time!

    • y
      September 13, 07:45

      ”Can’t be intense love story all the time ”!!!!! If you attend to show it’s again love story :rahan and seher, if it’s not love story what is this???? And why always cvs want to make new love, They are not funny and attractive at all , now show lose its attraction

  17. tanya
    September 12, 15:36 Reply

    please i want more sanam and aahil scenes……

  18. Amy
    September 12, 15:13 Reply

    Finally!!!! Aahil got an eye opener!!! The winds of change will blow Tanveer away!!! Any episode without Faha is a good episode. I wish they would tell us Dilshad’s thoughts. Rehan has moves!!

  19. y
    September 12, 15:07 Reply

    Seher and rahaan scenes are boring really boring,
    seher is boring too much,

    • Amy
      September 12, 15:14

      She’s a bit annoying. Surbhi is overacting being her.

    • y
      September 12, 15:29

      She is so much annoying, i don’t like seher,

    • Kiran
      September 12, 18:30

      Love Seher, so funny. The multi talented Surbhi reminds me of sridevi and Bollywood actresses

  20. Amy
    September 12, 14:35 Reply

    Lmao, Saher thinks Rehan is 007 lol. Thank god she never met Aahil!! He’s the guy with all the questions. ” Sanam where were you, what were you doing and why were you with Rehan?

    • aquabreezeqhian
      September 12, 14:42

      lolzz.. She should be thankful that the first place its Rehan.. Had she been with Aahil.. He would have said just get the heck out of here. Remember the scene where he dumped one of his so called girl friend at sanams village just cause she asked how do you speak so long with your mother and then mocked her to stay there waiting for cows !!! 🙂

  21. Amy
    September 12, 14:27 Reply

    Thank God Saher finally took a bath!!!

  22. arwenarya
    September 12, 13:53 Reply

    heard that sunehri’s mother is going to enter qh..in negative shade with comic relief….!!

    • aquabreezeqhian
      September 12, 14:31

      ohh.. another speculation.. seems like qh never runs out of speculations 😉 whether its about the show quitting or characters exhiting and few roped in.. 😉 and i was just pondering over it again when i struck onto this thing and there flew my sleep !! Who is seher speaking on phone to??? The first answer i could get was razia.. She would never give up her search for seher and the last time they showed she was so near and if our dear old razia is still herself.. she by now might have found seher.. and then heres your comment.. so was seher not a street broughtup girl as we all presumed.. Gee.. This person has loads to be revealed. and how did she get her name.. sunehri that names so like seher.. i mean all the alphabets are used. Of all the zillion choices of names in the world.. why this!!

    • helja
      September 13, 12:34

      aquabreezeqhian why are you so negative all time. qubool hai is a drama seial accept this. and if sehars mother comes to this show and is in a negative character this will be good to tanveer so everbody can take revenge on tanveer… dilshad,razia,sanam,sehar,aahil,rahat/faiz,shazia,nazia,shirin,humeria,aayán,nuzhat, and more…

  23. aquabreezeqhian
    September 12, 13:40 Reply

    Another no Sahil day and we have to live with this for the whole weekend. Guys, Did you notice.. qh always puts up a mini mystery for ourselves to figure out on the weekends i.e., every friday ends up with something intriguing.. now all i doubt is if aahil overhearing tanveers true…!!

    • arwenarya
      September 12, 13:51

      yes..i agree
      ahil finding about his mother this soon …seems fishy..!!
      cvs might be playin trick on us…!! 🙁

  24. aquabreezeqhian
    September 12, 13:27 Reply

    this wu is not by rhimjhim ?? Is rimjhim alright..
    and anyways this is a gud wu too .. thnx armu4eva

  25. Rhyma
    September 12, 13:21 Reply

    Seher is entertaining and Rehaan is acting well too but I t is aahil and sanams chemistry that stands out.
    Aahils attitude and intense action is what keeps me clinging to the show.

    • Darkwarroir647
      September 13, 06:29

      Not necessary Rhyma in my opinion,Rehan and seher have a better chemistry and you guys are going to stick to that cause your’ll are so attached to Aahill and Sanam and besides Rehan and Sanam have a better story than Aahill and Sanam.I like both but I prefer Rehan and Seher.

    • Darkwarroir647
      September 13, 06:31

      Sorry i meant,(Stick to Aahill and Sanam)

  26. arwenarya
    September 12, 13:17 Reply

    how much part of the convo did ahil hear is d question…!
    Ahil finding the true colors of his mother so soon is indeed a shock..!!

  27. aquabreezeqhian
    September 12, 13:08 Reply

    was that tanveer speaking to rehaan a dream or a reality? could tanveer be giving up the game so easily??

    • Jasmine
      September 12, 13:19

      No..Sanam and Ahil are only the main lead..Seher and Rehan are Side hero/heroine….

    • Darkwarroir647
      September 13, 06:33

      Don’t be jealous Jasmine as i’ve said earlier you guys are to attached to Aahil and Sanam that you’ll deny the fact that Rehan and Seher are the Better couple in this show.

  28. Samish
    September 12, 13:07 Reply

    I think rehaan and seher is now the lead of tis show….well at least no haya and faiz today

    • Jasmine
      September 12, 13:20

      No..Sanam and Ahil are only the main lead..Seher and Rehan are Side hero/heroine….

    • Samish
      September 12, 13:27

      I kno but they are showin rehan and seher more so I was wondering

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