Razia Sultan 22nd April 2015 Written Update

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Razia Sultan 22nd April 2015 Written Update by H_Hasan

Razia Sultan 22nd April 2015 Written Episode

The episode starts with Althunia ordering jalebis at a sweet stall. Owner gives him only 2 jalebis and tells a lady bought all the jalebis and is continuing to eat them. Razia munches jalebis yelling at Althunia that he is very arrogant, etc. Althunia tells owner that he heard from elders that if a lady eats more food than she can, it means she is angry on her boyfriend or husband. Razia comes and asks for more jalebis. They both are shocked to see each other and start verbal argument again. Razia asks more jalebis and gets big plate of jalebis, but Althunia holds plate and starts fighting. She snatches it from him and leaves.

Chanda seeing their fight thinks of getting jalebis from other store and walks in market when she see Jingura showing Razia’s pic and asking people if they saw her anywhere. She clashes with him purposefully. He shows pic and asks if she saw this lady somewhere. She says she looks like a princess and must be in her palace. He says she is right and suspects her. She then rushes to inform Razia and he starts following her.

Razia gets full eating jalebis. She sees Nasir’s eagle and a letter on his legs. She reads it and gets angry on prostitute Turkan. She writes back letter and sends it to fathima back.

Fathima in multan hopes eagle must have given her letter to Razia. Sultan khwacha asks Nasir if he stopped Qutub from going to dargah. Nasir nods yes. Khwacha says his decision was right and he should stop Qutub from getting into trouble. Fathima hears their conversation and tells Nasir he is a good man. Nasir says he does not need opinion from slave.

Chanda sees Jingura following her and passes Razia without speaking to her. Razia thinks why she ignored her and is about to go and confront her when Althunia stops her, looks at her eyes and identifies her as princess Razia. Jingura leaves not finding Razia. Razia asks Althunia if he did not see any girl. He says he is looking at her eyes and thought he saw her somewhere else. She asks where did he see her. He says she must be not that girl as that girl was beautiful and she is very arrogant. She asks him to leave her alone.

Razia sees Chanda afraid and asks why is she afraid. Chanda says a man was saking her and has come to kill her. Razia says she is right, shah turkan has sent him to kill her, she got fathima’s message from multan that qutub thinks she has gone to delhi and altamash thinks she is in multan, Shah turkan is planning to kill her and marry Altamash.

They both leave the city and ride their horse towards Ghazni. Jingura follows them, thinks he will not give easy death to Razia, and darts poisonous pin on Chanda. Razia tells she feels killer is following them. Chanda says he cannot as he fooled him. She falls on her horse unconscious. Jingura cuts his hands and thinks he will give a very ruthless death to Razia.

Precap: Chanda falls from horse. Razia shouts for help and sees Jingura walking towards her.

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1 Comment

  1. Alina
    April 22, 12:37 Reply

    Awesome episode!!!! Love Razia and Althunia <3 lovely superb scenes!!! :))

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