Sasural Genda Phool 27th January 2011 Written Update

Part 1-Taxi

Radha and Deepak are in a taxi to some unknown place. Radha keeps questioning Deepak as to where they are going but he tells her that they will be reaching their destination/goal soon. Radha pleads with him to tell her where they are going as she is feeling scared. Deepak tells her she cant be scared as ever since he was little he has been proud of the fact that he is the son of a brave mother.

Part 2-Badi Ma’s Room

Badi Ma calls Alok into her room and asks him if Ishaan and Suhaana’s honeymoon preparations are all done. Alok tells her that yes everything is ready. Badi Ma wonders if they should send them as ever since Radha left suddenly, even Suhaana has not been in any mood to go. Alok tells her that they cant cancel as it will cost them a lot and plus Radha has reached fine and there is no tension. Badi Ma tells him that Suhaana has always been concerned about Radha and Deepak but Alok says that if they cancel now it will be a 30% loss. Badi Ma reprimands him that he is always concerned about money. Badi Ma then agrees and says she will speak to Suhaana and convince her or else she will have Radha and Deepak phone Suhaana.

Part 3-Back in the taxi/Unknown place

It is raining heavily and Deepak takes Radha down some steps into a cave like place. There is an old man tied up in a chair and Radha questions who that is. Deepak goes and turns the mans chair around to show Radha the face. Radha is shocked to see it is Deepak’s father, the man who raped her. Deepak runs to her and puts a gun in her hand and aims it at his father. Deepak tells her that this is the man responsible for all her wounds and he has no right to live and she should shoot the bullet at him. Radha remembers all the moments where she was raped and where Deepak was in the hospital and told her he is a stain on her life. Radha is tearing up and Deepak tells her not to waste her precious tears on this man and today is not the day to cry but rather to take revenge and she should shoot.

Part 4-Badi Ma’s Room

Alok and Badi Ma are discussing how now Suhaana has become Suhaana Kashyap. They smile and as Alok is leaving the room he questions Badi Ma if she has talked to Panna. Badi Ma says yes and that Raunak has still not found a job and Panna was telling her that Raunak has become irritable also nowadays. Badi Ma asks Alok that she is unable to understand how an educated person like Raunak is having so many difficulties finding a job. Alok tells her that he had also tried but Raunak had gone and told those people that he will not work in a small company like theres. Alok asks Badi Ma if he should talk to Raunak but Badi Ma tells him that Raunak will not listen to him. Alok tells her that he should not be so stubborn and a person has to change according to circumstances..he again asks for permission to speak to Raunak and Badi Ma agrees but says she will first speak to Panna. Suhaan comes to the door and hears Badi Ma saying that she doesnt understand why Raunak is acting like this and is afraid the troubles of this bad time dont have an effect on their relationship.

Part 5-Place where Deepak’s Father is tied up

Radha is sweating and tense and still holding the gun. Deepaks father pleads with Radha not to shoot him as she knows he has already been punished for his deeds and he calls Deepak ‘beta’ and tells him not to force his mother to shoot as he is his father. Deepak gets angry hearing this and slaps him and pushes his chair. Deepak tells Radha that if he wanted he could have finished this man long back in front of his family but he wanted Radha to do it as this man is more her enemy than his. Deepak laughs and tells Radha to see how much the man is scared. Radha speaks up and says she was also very scared that day and had pleaded so much. Again flashback is shown and Radha is still pointing the gun at the man who looks scared.

Part 6-Badi Ma’s Room

Suhaana is at the door listening to Alok and Badi Ma’s conversation. Alok tells her how strong Panna is and she is like Badi Ma’s shadow as recently she was faced with so many troubles and she didnt even let them find out. He tells her that to keep her household running she is working at a small job at a school but never asked them for money. Alok tells her that he is very proud of Panna. Badi Ma gets emotional and says that she is scared that because Panna is her shadow, she hopes what happened to her should not happen to Panna. Alok tells her not say such things and nothing like that will happen will their Panna. Badi Ma smiles and tells Alok to go as she is fine now. Alok gets up and sees Suhaana standing at the door. Suhaana is emotional with tears in her eyes and she goes and hugs Badi Ma. She asks Badi Ma how they can always do that, where they hide their sorrow and tears to make them happy. Alok tells her that when she is older, she will also do what they do as nothing is more important than childrens happiness. Suhaana says but Panna is not older and she didnt let us know about her troubles and whenever she comes she smiles as if there is no one happier than her. Badi Ma tells her that some people get used to hiding their sorrows and Panna is one of them. Badi ma tells her that she should not do that though and should always share her sorrows with them. Alok tells her that if Ishaan ever troubles her she should come and tell him first as he will take his class. They both smile. Badi Ma tells Suhaana that they have not told anyone about Panna and she should not let anyone know as Panna will not be able to handle it.

Part 7-Place where Deepak’s Father is Tied Up

Radha is still standing there holding the gun and Deepaks father tells her that if she shoots Deepak will take the blame of the murder on himself and what will she get? 2 minutes of contentment? But then her son will be hanged. Deepak tells Radha not to listen to him as he is trying to make her emotional. Deepak tells her not to think so much as this man has no right to live and she should shoot. Deepak tells her that if she will not shoot then he will. He takes the gun from her and aims it at the man. Radha comes in between the gun and the man and says no. Radha tells Deepak that he is right and this man has no right to live. Radha says this man is my enemy and he should get his punishment from my hands only and his death is written from my hands. Radha takes the gun from Deepak and aims it at the man again. Deepak again provokes her to shoot. Radha drops the gun and screams no while crying. Deepaks father smiles. Radha tells Deepak to take her from here as she doesnt want to see this mans face again. Deepak yells at her that she should shoot this man, and why cant she shoot him? Radha tells him that she cant shoot him because his face reminds her of Deepak. And all these years she avoided Deepak because his face resembled his fathers but today she cant shoot because she loves Deepak very much. She tells Deepak she cant shoot this man because in his face, her sons face is hidden. Radha tells Deepak she loves him very much and they both hug emotionally.

Precap : Suhaana is tearing and Ishaan questions her if she is crying. Suhaana tries to hide it and says no she is not crying but Ishaan holds her and asks to know what the matter is. Suhaana says she is not crying and she just has something in her eye. Ishaan holds her face and looks into her eyes.

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