Shakti 20th April 2018 Written Update

Shakti 20th April 2018 Written Update by H_Hasan

Shakti 20th April 2018 Written Episode

Shanno tells Raavi that arrangements need to be done still. Veeran talks on phone regarding arrangements. Balwinder comes and says he got her perfume from the market. Raavi gets happy and tries perfume on her hand. Soumya is sad. Harman looks at her. Raavi says she wants to use all perfume bottle, afterall her brother’s marriage is happening with complete woman. Balwinder says you said right. Jasleen comes there. Soumya leaves seeing her. Preeto looks at Jasleen and Harman. Jasleen says we can’t celebrate our marriage openly like others. Harman says marriage celebration don’t guarantee that we will have a happy life ahead and goes. Jasleen says Harman. Preeto tells Raavi that your brother is marrying a complete woman, you want to have full perfume, I shall help you and sprays all perfume bottle on her
and asks her to dance all night. Raavi is upset. Shanno asks her if she got happiness and asks her to do some important work. Preeto comes to Soumya and is upset. Soumya asks why you are upset and worried, let this happen. She says Harman will not feel good to see you unhappy. Preeto says am I looking sad and says I am his Preeto and he will understand my fake happiness.

Harak Singh comes to Soumya and asks who was that caller. Soumya says nobody will call you again and says Jasleen and Harman’s marriage will happen. Harak Singh asks her to answer who called him and threatens to kill everyone. Soumya says choti called you, but now I have talked to her, she will not call you again and will not stop the marriage. Harak Singh says ok and thinks he has to control Surbhi, she must be planning something. Varun have the jalebi and thinks he is the real man to control his wife. He gets Harak Singh’s call who greets him for Baisakhi. Varun also wishes him and says he don’t have even 10 Rs and can’t eat jalebis. Harak Singh asks him to wait and transfers 50000 to him. He asks him to withdraw money and have jalebis etc. Varun asks what is the matter? Harak Singh asks him to stop his wife Surbhi from coming out of house and tells about Harman’s marriage. Varun says nobody told me. Harak Singh says I will tell you later. He comes to kitchen and threatens Soumya that his name is Harak Singh and people think of him as pehelwan and he is a man. He says I know about man and woman, but don’t know about kinnar. Soumya says what do you want to say? Harak Singh says Jasleen is my friend’s daughter and asks her not to stop Harman’s marriage and go away from his life, and says then I will think that you will love him truly.

Soumya prays to Mata Rani to give her strength so that she can fulfill Harman’s wish. Anushka comes there and asks why you want this to happen. Soumya hugs her. Anushka says you didn’t call me, and asks why you want to give your Harman to someone else. Soumya says I am his wife and it is my duty to think about his happiness. Anushka says our Harman ji loves you very much and he needs to realize it. Soumya says their relation is broken and now she don’t have the strength to save it. Anushka says she came to stop the marriage. Soumya gives her promise and asks her to let the marriage happen. Preeto calls Soumya. Anushka thinks strength of love can do anything and prays to Mata Rani to unite them.

Harak Singh asks Veeran to assure that nobody enter inside until marriage happens. Veer and Sanchi comes there in Punjabi’s disguise. Harak Singh asks who are you? Veer says we are decorators. Harak Singh asks did you call them…Veeran. Veeran says may be. Harak Singh asks them to do the decoration fast. Veer says we will make everything fit before marriage. Harak Singh asks them to get back to work. Veeran asks Veer to do the work fully. Veer nods. They get inside. Veeran sees Balwinder having tea and scolds him. He asks him to make sure that nobody enters inside. Veer asks what is this strange marriage and says you would have opt for court or temple marriage, if you don’t want any guests. He asks if there is any problem? Balwinder asks him to do decoration and leave. Veer says we will decorate the place and leave. Veeran asks him not to ask questions. Veer thinks I have to find out why Harman is remarrying someone else, but where is he?

Surbhi tells Maninder and Bebe that she is going to Harman’s marriage. Varun comes there with neighbors and they wish them happy baisakhi. Surbhi says she has to go for urgent work. Lady asks Surbhi to stay and celebrate baisakhi with them. Varun says let her go. Lady asks Surbhi to keep the purse and come there. Varun thinks she can’t go now.

Sanchi thinks if she asks about Soumya then they will doubt. Preeto comes and keeps hand on Sanchi’s shoulder. She says I am hopeful that you will stop the marriage. Sanchi asks where is Soumya? Preeto says she is grinding the haldi for her husband’s marriage. Jasleen talks to her father and asks him to come there for her marriage. Veer thinks she came that day with Harman. Harman hears her. Jasleen tells Harman that her father will come by evening. Harman says he will be happy. Veer cuts the fan’s wire. Jasleen asks him to repair it fast. Veer asks Harman if he has a wrong connection. Harman asks him to tell and asks him to mind his own business. Veer says it seems you are not happy with your decision. He says if relation is not right then everything get complicated. He asks him to think again. Harman grabs his collar angrily and asks him to do the decoration else he will ruin his connection. Veer asks if you are happy then why you are holding my collar. He says you are dilwala,who left me without beating.

Preeto takes Sanchi to Soumya. Soumya is still in kitchen. Sanchi asks how can you make haldi ready for your husband’s marriage. Soumya says Harman will be happy after marriage. Sanchi says sometimes we feel that they will be happy, but it is not like that. Veer comes and says I met Harman, and he is not happy. Soumya says I read his heart daily and says he is marrying with his wish and will be happy always. She says I am just supporting him to fulfill his wish and asks them not to stop the wedding. She takes haldi bowl from there. Sanchi says whom to talk now. Preeto says nobody wants to listen now, and says how to stop the marriage. Veer says I am very angry now and wants to add something in Jasleen’s haldi so that she gets rashes on her body. Preeto asks him to mix something to stop the marriage. Sanchi says we are doctors and can’t do this. Veer says we are doctors and that’s why can do this, we will have antidote for that, and will give after mahurat goes. Sanchi agrees and asks him to call. Veer makes a call to someone.

Surbhi says I will leave now. Neighbor stops her. Surbhi says let me go. Varun asks what is the important work? Bebe says we shall have jashn and takes her. Surbhi asks Varun if he did this intentionally and says evil can’t defeat good. Varun says but can stop goodness. Surbhi says I will see how you stop you. Varun thinks I will be ready with my other plan in 2 hours. Neighbors ask Varun that the party shall be good. Varun asks them to see double dhamaka. Imli of Udaan and Pragya of SDCH dance on the song pallu latke…..Imli and Pragya dance with Surbhi. Varun steals lady’s necklace so that Surbhi couldn’t go out due to the necklace theft drama.

Harman and Jasleen are seated for haldi. Teni comes there and says she is Pandit ji’s daughter and says he sent haldi for bride. Sanchi says special haldi came for jasleen. Shanno asks why did she bring? Teni says it is shagun’s haldi and asks them to take it for Rs 500. Soumya takes the haldi bowl, but it falls down. Raavi scolds her. Harak Singh asks Shanno to apply haldi to Jasleen which they have. Soumya picks the fallen haldi and feels itching. Sanchi and Veer are shocked. Sanchi makes her wash her hand. Veer gives gulab jal and antidote to Sanchi. She applies it on Soumya’s hand. Sanchi asks Soumya why did she make it fall. Soumya says haldi fell down, and it is inauspicious, and she don’t want to stop the marriage. She says I can’t stop the marriage and don’t want anyone to stop it either. She asks them to let this marriage happens. Sanchi says how to make you understand. Soumya asks them to understand. Veer says we came here as we got invitation card, and came to help you both, but what we can do if you want him to marry. He tells Sanchi that they shall leave. He says this is Soumya’s fight, we can help her, but she has to think about her. Sanchi asks her to think again. Soumya nods. Sanchi hugs her and asks her to wash antidote after 5 mins. Veer and Sanchi leaves.

Harak Singh asks Preeto to apply haldi to Harman and do her duty as a mother. Preeto gives an angry look. Harak Singh asks Shanno to apply haldi. Shanno applies haldi to Jasleen. Harak Singh asks Preeto to apply haldi to Harman. Preeto says my son who never selected even shirt color without my choice, now marrying with his wish without my consent. Harman feels guilty and lowers his eyes. Preeto asks him to look in her eyes and applies haldi on to his face. She asks others to apply haldo. Raavi applies haldi to them. Preeto asks Soumya to apply haldi to Harman and says when you have decided to get your husband remarried then why to stay away from doing this ritual. Soumya comes near Harman and looks at him. Nasiba song plays. She takes haldi in her hand. Harman gets up and goes to his room before she can apply. Veeran says there is mehendi rasam in the evening and asks everyone to get ready..

Suraj and Chakor comes there and asks whom to make beautiful. Harak Singh asks who are you? Suraj says he is a tailor/master ji. Chakor says she is a make up artiste. Veeran says you both came together. Suraj says we do all the things together, got married and bringing others together. Harak Singh says we called tailor master. Suraj says he is our student. Shanno asks who called you. Chakor asks Suraj to come and says they are taking our interview. Raavi asks Chakor to do everyone’s make up. Chakor thinks to make Soumya and Harman face to face. Teni comes to them. Suraj shares his plan. He says we both shall go to Harman and Soumya’s room. Suraj goes to Harman’s room and asks him to show sherwani. Harman shows sherwani. Suraj says he is feeling shy to take measurement in Jasleen’s presence. Jasleen goes. Suraj says I will be back. Preeto asks Soumya to come with her. Soumya fears Harak Singh. Chakor comes and takes Soumya with her.

Lady realizes that her necklace is stolen and cries. They search the necklace, but couldn’t get it. Lady says whoever has stolen it, must have hidden it here. Bebe asks them to search the necklace in house. Chakor takes Soumya to Harman’s room and locks them. Harman asks them to open the door. Chakor tells them that they are Chakor and Suraj and asks them to talk and sort out difference else they will not open the door. Pandit ji comes there. Jasleen says I called him early. Veeran is surprised. Jasleen says your daughter came here so I thought to called you also before. Pandit ji asks which daughter? Jasleen says she and shows Teni. Suraj asks Harman and Soumya to talk. Soumya asks them to open the door and says we don’t want to talk. Pandit ji says she is not my daughter, but Teni. Harak Singh says everyone is fake and calls Suraj and Chakor. Soumya gets worried and asks Suraj and Chakor to open the door. They open the door. They all go there. Harak Singh asks Harman if he know them. Harman says they are my friends. Preeto says she called them. Harak Singh says he don’t want to do any drama, and asks them to leave. Suraj and Chakor leaves.

Parth comes there and asks Harak Singh why did he decide to get his son remarried and asks did you think about Soumya. Teni asks him to think once. Parth asks Harman to take a stand for himself. Jasleen asks them why they can’t think of Harman like her. Harak Singh asks them to leave. Parth says we will not go, but you will go to Police station.

Harak Singh asks them to just leave. Soumya asks Harak Singh to calm down, and asks them to believe her that her happiness lies in Harman’s happiness. She says this marriage is happening with Harman’s wish and she can’t go against her husband’s happiness and is fulfilling her duty as a wife. She asks them not to do drama. Teni says Soumya is right. She says don’t ask us to leave, we will do dhamaal. Parth says we will go after the marriage. Teni says there shall be some dhamaal. Parth calls his friends. They come there. Jasleen and Harman sit for their mehendi ritual. Jasleen’s father Moti comes there. Jasleen greets him. Harak Singh and Moti greets each other. Harak Singh says bhangra shall happen. Preeto, Rupa, Shorvori and Balwinder dance on the song..Nachde Saare…

Just then Kinnars come there shocking Harak Singh, as he had ensured that they don’t come there with Kareena’s help. He asks who called them. Aditya comes and says he brought them there, and says even they deserve to celebrate your happiness. Soumya greets Aditya and says they all deserve right on our happiness, but after the marriage. She says Papa ji will give nek to everyone after the marriage. She says kinnars have the right to bless others and don’t have the right to ruin someone’s house. Aditya says they came to stop someone’s house from getting ruined. Harak Singh says their work is to take nek and leave. Aditya asks if they are not humans like us, and tells that I have heard that Mallika ji thought of Soumya as her daughter and cares for her. Soumya goes inside and brings rice in the plate. She says your house is like a mayka to me. She says when a girl leaves her mayka, they give a handful of rice grains to her. She asks her to give her handful of rice grain and asks her not to become reason to stop the marriage.

Aditya tells Harman that he knows the pain of losing his loved ones and asks him not to lose Soumya and sort the misunderstanding. She says when someone is gone, then we have only one thing left in mind, why didn’t we clear the misunderstanding. Harman thanks him for his suggestion. Aditya asks him to listen to his heart and leaves from there. Saya keeps hand ful of rice grains in Soumya’s pallu and leaves with kinnars. Teni tells Soumya that they tried, but couldn’t stop the marriage. She says we can’t see anymore and have to leave. Parth takes his guests with him. Pandit ji says mahurat time came. Harak Singh asks him to do the arrangements.

Soumya comes to Harman. Harman asks why did you come here? Soumya says I have promised you to be with you till your marriage completes, says she came to help him get ready for one last time. She signs him to sit and ties turban to his head. Nasiba song plays….She then kisses on his forehead and cries. Harman looks at her. Harak Singh comes there and says Pandit ji is calling. He asks what Soumya is doing here and asks Harman to come as Pandit and guests are waiting. Soumya cries as Harman goes with Harak Singh. Harman and Jasleen sit for marriage. Pandit ji starts the rituals and asks them to stand up. Pankti comes and stops Pandit ji.

Harak Singh asks who are you? Pankti says I will just take 2 mins. She tells Harman that Soumya wants to gift you something, you used to see Soumya dancing, and says she will dance for one last time before going. Soumya dances on the song Sabki baraatein Aayi…Harman and Jasleen look at her emotional performance. Harak Singh asks if you are done with dance and asks Pandit ji to start the marriage rituals. Pandit ji asks them to stand up for varmala. Harman and Jasleen stand for varmala. They exchange garlands. Soumya cries and leaves from there silently.

Shakti :Harman comes to stop Soumya at the bus station. Soumya asks with which right he is stopping her. Harman says with the right which he has on her. Soumya says he has right on jasleen now, and says her responsibility is ended after his marriage.

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