Siya Ke Ram 22nd June 2016 Written Update

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Siya Ke Ram 22nd June 2016 Written Update by Amena

Siya Ke Ram 22nd June 2016 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Mandodari saying she will give up her life, if Raavan does not leave his wish to marry Sita. Kaikesi asks her why is she becoming a hurdle in Lankesh’s marriage, I told you that you won’t get any problem by Sita, come out. Mandodari says I have sworn that I will not let any disaster happen and not let my self esteem get hurt. Meghnadh tries to convince her saying this is for the Rajya. She asks about the politics and Rajya power which kidnaps any woman and cheats the woman, I m Lanka’s queen, its my duty to think for Lanka’s good and right. She says I did not go against Lankesh, I have always supported you by my body, heart and speech, always obeyed you, but if you don’t agree to me today, no one can stop me from entering this fire, this is the only way to stop you.

Raavan says this childish behavior does not suit you, we spoke about this marriage before, I assured you that your rights won’t have any change, you will be my first wife, you will not be removed from Lanka’s queen place, come out of this fire ring and respect my decision. She says I have always advised you right things according to Dharm and left decision to you, I have always accepted your decision, you tortured many women before, but I was silent, but today you have to respect my decision, else I will prefer to die than seeing Lanka’s destruction.

Sita looks on and says the one who can’t see a wife’s love and sacrifice, who disrespects his wife, his ruining is definite, Lankesh you don’t know, but you are very lucky, your bad fate is that you are not able to respect your wife’s love and dedication, one day you will have to regret for this, and during that regretting moment, you will be alone. Raavan asks Mandodari do you really want this. She says yes, you give me a promise that you will drop the decision to forcibly marry Sita.

Raavan looks on. Sulochana asks Raavan to save Mandodari. Meghnadh says sorry, but Pitashri you have to protect Mata this time. Kaikesi thinks Mandodari’s Pati vrata Dharm and her purity is Raavan’s strength and power, if she ends her life by burning her fire, then Lanka will be ruined. She asks Raavan to stop Mandodari, else it will be worse. Raavan stops Mandodari and says you are my wife, and very dear to me, I can’t lose you for any other woman, I promise you, I will not marry Sita, but you have to promise me one thing, if you agree then I will swear to protect my promise. Sulochana asks Mandodari to agree. Kaikesi asks why this delay now Mandodari, Raavan gave you what you wanted, come out of fire and promise. Meghnadh asks her to come out, as fire is reaching her. Raavan asks shall I understand that you don’t trust me, trust is the foundation of love, it means you don’t love me, else you would have trusted me.

Mandodari says fine, I promise you, but first tell me what is it. Raavan says you have to promise that you won’t attempt to send Sita out of here, Sita has to stay here till I want, no one will attempt to send Sita out of Lanka, tell me do you accept this, you have to assure me on behalf of everyone, that it will happen as I want. Mandodari looks at Sita. Sita nods. Mandodari cries and promises Raavan. Mandodari prays and the fire gets blown off. Raavan and everyone leave from there.

Sugreev is crowned the king of Kishkindha by Laxman. The praja respects Sugreev and cheers for him. Sugreev thanks them for the respect and says I want to become Ram’s representative and serve you by walking on Ram’s Dharm path, whatever Ram did will be remembered forever, now its chance that we have to help him, now my life’s main motive is to find Mata Sita, we have to get to this work soon. Laxman looks on.

Sita pacifies Mandodari. Mandodari cries and says my heart is calling me culprit, I have trapped you in Lanka forever, I can’t help you now Sita, I can’t make you meet your husband, now every door for your exit is shut. Sita says I m bearing the result of my deeds, its not your mistake, I m glad that someone is there in Lanka who stops Lankesh from walking on Adharm path and encourages him to walk on good path, if Raavan leaves Adharm in time, then everything can get fine. Mandodari says you have compassion and forgiveness for Raavan, even after he tortured you. She says no, this is Dharm teachings, Raavan can get Lanka ruined, I don’t want that entire Praja has to bear a person’s deed’s punishment, about me, I m sure Ram will come to take me, I won’t need to wait for him for long, so you don’t worry. Trijata looks on and smiles.

Raavan plays veena and is angry. Meghnadh comes there. Raavan sees him and stops playing the veena. He asks him why did he come here, does he not know that Raavan is busy. Meghnadh says I got an imp news. Raavan asks him to say. The man says Kishkindha Naresh Bali died. Raavan says this news came before too, which was proved wrong. Meghnadh says I have sent Akampana to verify this, this news is true, Bali’s last rites are done too, Bali was killed in a Dharm battle with Sugreev, but Sugreev did not kill him, Bali’s murderer is Ram.

Meghnadh says Ram who is Sita’s husband and Surpanakha’s culprit. Raavan shouts Ram and asks are you sure about this news. Meghnadh says yes, if this is proved wrong, I will be ready for punishment. Raavan says I think Ram has decided to get punished by me, this is good news. He asks the spy to give him news about Ram’s every moment. The man leaves. Raavan says my wish that Ram comes to Lanka is getting fulfilled, we don’t have to get scared, but we have to stay alert, tighten the security, let that Ram come.

Trijata goes to Sita and smiles. She tells her that your hope is very strong, you know Ram has reached Kishkindha, he has killed the most powerful Vanar Raj Bali, I feel his power is increasing. Sita says power and might is already in him, now its time that he ends the Adharm, places Dharm and bless the entire world, and also present his power and capability.

Ram looks at the sky and says Janak Nandini Sita, Raghukul’s vadhu and Maryada, she accepted to roam in jungles by leaving all comforts to support her husband, but Raavan kidnapped her, I m sure with your help, we can free Sita from Raavan’s clutches and make her free of all the problems.

Ram holds the rain drops in his hand, and says this rain drops are like your tears for me Sita, I promise you that I will punish Raavan. Raavan dreams of Maa Kaali killing the Asurs and attacking him. He shouts no and wakes up.

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