Tashan-e-Ishq 2nd January 2016 Written Update

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Tashan-e-Ishq 2nd January 2016 Written Update by Atiba

Tashan-e-Ishq 2nd January 2016 Written Episode

Scene 1
Babee comes to Twinkle and Kunj, Twinkle ask Kunj to get fine first then we will find Yuvi, Kunj says if Yuvi is not coming out in open then we have to bring him out, Twinkle ask what are you thinking? Kunj says think Yuvi’s truth has come out in open and now he will contact who first? Twinkle says Anita? Kunj says we can bring out Yuvi in opne by kidnapping Anita, Twinkle says what has happened to you? how can we kidnap her? Kunjj says my plan is that we will send news to Anita that we are going to kidnap her then she will call Yuvi and he will come for sure, Twinkle says your mind has started working after drinking my soup, Kunj says wow you are giving credit to you soup? Kunj says to Babee that see who is starting fight now, Babee says leave it, what will we do now? Kunj says to send news to Anita about kidnapping.
Anand talks to Leela and says Yuvi’s truth is out and he is hiding now, Leela says Yuvi will make other plans so we have to find him soon, what abotu Anita? Anand says Anita is not ready to listen that Yuvi was acting all this while, Leela says one day she has to accept that Yuvi was behind all the crimes, it will be better if she understands it, only Anita can handle him, Raman says once police finds then he will beaten badly, Leela says i can understand Anita’s pain as mother, if anything happens to Yuvi then Anita will be broken, Raman says Anita is not saint too, Leela says you are right, Leela says i am afraid about Yuvi, he can attack Kunj and Twinkle again, i just want my kids to be safe, door bell rings, Anand holds show-piece thinking it might be Yuvi, Raman opens door to find policeman there, Anand ask him what he got to know? inspector says we are finding Yuvi, if we find him then we will tell you, also i need statement of you all.
Leela comes to Kunj, she ask about his health? he says i am better, Leela says thank God you are fine, where is Twinkle? she should be with you, Kunj says she was making me drink soup, she is hurting me by crying, she knows that i cant see tears in her eyes, he says i am sorry for behaving badly with Twinkle, she kept saying that Yuvi is atcing but i didnt listen to her, she kept fighting alone and i didnt take her side as husband, i raised hand on her too but i will never happen again, i was guilty for Yuvi’s condition thats why couldnt see anything else, Leela says thing is that you are nice person, Yuvi was taking advantage of your niceness but leave it, Kunj ask if she is not angry with him? she says i am, you broke my phone, i had good selfies in it, they laugh, Leela says to Kunj that Yuvi must be planning something to hurt them so be careful.
Anita comes back home, Babee ask where is Yuvi? when he calls you then tell him police is finding him and he should accept his crime, Anita gets call from some man who tells her that Kunj is planning to kidnap her, i had worked with you earlier thats why i thought to tell you, be careful, Anita thanks him, she stares Kunj and leaves, Babee smirks at Twinkle, same man calls Kunj and says i have done your work, i told Anita that you are going to kidnap her, Kunj says now i just want Anita to tell this to Yuvi and he come infront of us to save his mother.
At night, Leela feel uneasy and says i feel like something wrong is going to happen, Raman says nothing will happen to her, Leela says i am her mother and i can sense danger on her, i know Twinkle fights bravely but i feel like something major is going to happen, Raman says nothing will happen to Twinkle, Yuvi has crossed all limits, Police is finding him, the day i find Yuvi, i will beat him alot, Leela prays for Twinkle and Kunj’s safety.

Scene 2
Twinkle wakes up and doesnt find Kunj in room, she starts looking for him here and there, she says where he must be gone? we made plan to keep an eye on Anita so if Yuvi calls her then we will know it but i slept maybe thats why Kunj left, i should check in Babee’s room, she comes in Babee’s room and doesnt find Babee there, she comes in hall and searches Kunj and Babee there, Yuvi whistles and sings Tumhe apna banane ki qasam khayi hai, Twinkle says what you are doing here? where is Kunj and Babee? Yuvi says he wants to get hunted so what can i do? you all made plan to kidnap Anita but Kunj and Babee got kidnap themselves, you all though that you will make Anita afraid that you are going to kidnap Anita and she will call Yuvi and i will come here in anger but you are new people in this game, Anita listened your plan, she told me about it, i mixed sleeping pills in food and when you all slept, i kidnapped Kunj, Babee and Anand but not you, you are alone with me again, i kidnapped your mother and Raman too, he shows her video in which all are kidnapped and unconscious, Twinkle is shocked to see it, Twinkle cries and says why did you kidnap them? leave them, Yuvi says i am doing all this for you, why dont you understand that i love you like crazy, now its time to give name to this love, we are going to Mumbai, Mumbai is special, our love started there so we will marry there too, go and start packing, pack one red saree too, i love red, Twinkle says i am not going anywhere, i am not afraid of you, Yuvi says thats i like about you, you know i can kill your family but you are showing me attitude? i like it, now give me a kiss, Twinkle says i cant become yours, i am Kunj’s only till my last breath, Yuvi says if you dont marry me then i will kill Kunj, marry me, Twinkle says i will call police, Yuvi says you will not listen like this, he calls his goon and says kill Kunj, put all 6bullets in him, Twinkle is shocked, Goon stands up and starts going towards Kunj, Yuvi says to Twinkle that i will count till 5, if you dont agree to marry me then my goon will shoot Kunj, Yuvi starts counting 1..2..3..4.., Goon is about shoot Kunj but Twinkle ask Yuvi to stop it, she says i beg you Yuvi, i will do what you say, i am ready to marry you too but dont hurt my family, Yuvi says i am not that bad as you think, he ask his goon to not shoot Kunj, he says to Twinkle that i will free everyone but after our marriage and if you try to act oversmart then you know i will kill your family.

PRECAP- Kunj says i will fail all plans of Yuvi even if i have to give away my life too, otherside Yuvi has kidnapped Twinkle.


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