Udaariyaan 24th October 2022 Written Update

Udaariyaan 24th October 2022 Written Update by Amena

Udaariyaan 24th October 2022 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Aykam recalling Nehmat’s words. He shoots at the terrorists and runs to catch them. Mallika comes and hugs Nehmat. She says I missed you so much, thank God Naaz isn’t here. Nehmat says don’t say this. Mallika says she challenged us that day, I know she won’t keep quiet, I m give undivided attention to Advait now. Naaz sees Advait at the café. Mallika says Advait gave me many gifts, did you talk to Aykam. Nehmat says no, I tried calling him, but no response. Senior says well done, hope you are recovering well. Aykam says I got saved but lost my phone. He asks someone about his phone. The man says phone will get fine, but you will lose data. Aykam worries. Nehmat and Mallika sit talking about Advait. Mallika says Advait doesn’t see anyone else than me. Naaz hears a call for Advait and goes to get the order. He says sorry. She says sorry, my mistake. He asks did we meet before. She says yes, at the event, I m Naaz. He says Advait, nice to meet you. She goes and sits reading a book. He returns to his table and sees her. She leaves. She sees his car. He goes to his car. He says yes, I will reach, I m coming alone. Naaz thinks if I have to track Advait. She follows his car. Advait meets someone. Naaz hides and looks on. Advait gives the cash to the man. The man says its not needed, we would have shot Aykam after the advance payment only. Advait says Aykam’s posting in Rajpura is enough to keep him away from Nehmat. Naaz thinks what does Advait want to do, I have to do something to win the challenge. Nehmat gets a call from the office. Advait talks to his friend and says fine, I will be there at the club, okay, I will get my GF. He leaves. Naaz says he has to take his GF, your GF won’t go with you, who will go with you. She smiles.

Nehmat says I know about Advait. The lady says he has a stake in this company, you embarrassed him with your questions. Nehmat says I was doing my job with sincerity. The man says shift Nehmat to digital media. Nehmat says don’t do this. The lady asks her to come before boss fires her. Naaz asks for Nehmat. She says I will cheer her mood. Nehmat sees Aykam’s pic and cries. She says I miss you Aykam. Naaz asks what happened, why are you sad, didn’t Aykam call, he would be busy, come, we will go for dinner, your mood will get okay. Nehmat says no, I don’t want to go, we fight on little things, I don’t want to go anywhere. Naaz says please, come, we will go to pizza hub. Nehmat says no. Naaz says we will go to lighthouse club, pizza is yummy there. Nehmat recalls Aykam. She says yes, we will go there, Aykam took me there once. Naaz thinks good job, the evening would be named to Advait. Advait calls Nikhil and asks where are you. Nikhil says party time. Advait asks him to come to the club. Nikhil says I will come. Naaz says get ready, I will get a dress for you.

At the club, Naaz and Nehmat come. Naaz sees Advait. She asks which pizza will you have. Nehmat says anything you like. She thinks where are you, Aykam. Aykam sees the pizza and recalls Nehmat. He says you have it, what’s about this case. The man says it’s a double murder case, that man killed his wife and lover, he isn’t saying anything. Aykam asks Sir, shall I try. Inspector says take this stick. Aykam says it won’t be needed. Advait says I had to hide my GF from the media. Naaz recalls Mallika getting rashes on her face after the makeup. She calls Advait and says so sorry, I can’t come, I m not well. She leaves. Naaz meets the makeup artist and says well done, your date with Sunny is fixed. FB ends. Naaz goes to order the drink. Advait sees her and greets. She says I remember, Advait Kapoor. He says you took 2 seconds, Ms Naaz, do you drink. She says no, I wanted a good mocktail. He says I dance well, shall we. She says sorry, I m not single, my BF didn’t come along, I came with my sister, she is single, she recently had a breakup, ask her out. He asks where is she. She shows Nehmat. He sees Nehmat and asks is she your sister. Naaz says yes, do you know her. He says yes, she is a journalist and… He thinks and Aykam’s GF. Aykam says you loved your wife a lot and wanted to give her happiness, you used to just think about her, how would you live without her. The man says yes, I felt she also thinks the same about me, but no, she loved someone else, I got to know this when I left her alone for some days and went for work. Aykam says I understand your pain. Advait greets Nehmat. She says you here… He says I came with friends, Mallika isn’t well so she didn’t come, look at my fate, I didn’t have my GF here but her best friend, I hope you will honor me by dancing with me. Nehmat says I m sorry. He asks why, is there anyone in your life who would feel bad if you dance with me, Nehmat recalls Aykam.

The episode ends

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