[V] Suvreen Guggal 12th December 2012 Written Update

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[V] Suvreen Guggal 12th December 2012 Written Update by sweetshine

[V] Suvreen Guggal 12th December 2012 Written Update

Epi begins with Vivan calling out Yuvi and feeding him the cake and telling him Suvi and RC gave a big surprise to him today, Yuvi says even he was surprised looking at Suvi and RCbut then smiles at Vivan and tells him he just found out about his birthday and says sorry for not getting him any gift
Suvi tells Yuvi this is a gift, and tells Vivan Yuvi arranged the lights ballons and decorations and all, Vivan says there couldn’t have been any better gift than this for him and jumps on Yuvi and hugs him, RC surprised thanks Yuvi for doing all the arrangements
Back at college Rathi taes food from the dhaba outside and goes to Mannu, Naro and Annie and asks them howcum Yuvi didn’t message him yet, Mannu says they must be both busy sumwhere and tells him to listen to a tune he made for YuvReen
Mannu starts playing the tune of Bunty aur Babli with Yuvi and Topper’s name instead, Naro gets irritated and says she hopes everything becomes alright again, Annie tells them they are just uselessly building up hopes coz whatever Yuvi says it wouldn’t matter to Suvi at all, Naro asks her why is she thinking like that and asks doesn’t she want everything to be okay btw the two again, Annie explains her its not about what she wants but tells them she has been with Suvi a lot for past few days and she knows that whatever Yuvi says and however he proposes Suvi’s answer will be no coz she has finally moved on
Zorro comes running to the four and says the super six are back and now with him it will be super seven…he notices Mannu and shakes his hand, Mannu irritated tells him its Man-U and tells Rathi to explain him, Rathi and all are still in serius mode and Zorro says its ok if they don’t want to include him but not to make it so obvious, Naro tells him to shut up
Zorro says ok and asks what exactly happened, Annie tells him Yuvi loves Suvi, Zorro tells her why is she making a big issue of such an old news, Annie gets confused and Rathi says old news was Suvi loved Yuvi but the new news is Yuvi loves Suvi, Zorro says he knows but Yuvi doesn’t know how much he loves Suvi and from when and explains them its so obvious the way he looks at her, he tells Annie that when Suvi is beside him he forgets everything around him, and whoever will see him can say it clearly how much he is madly in love with Suvi
Back at the party all the kids are playing around and Suvi tells Vivan today they will do all that his parents used to do on his birthday, Vivan says in that case whatever his mom used to do Suvi will do and whatever his dad used to do RC will do, Suvi feels awkward and looks at RC but then agrees for it, Vivan asks RC if he remembers how his dad used to give him birthday bumps, they both say ok and RC picks him up, both RC and Suvi gives Vivan his birthday bumps
Yuvi looks towards them, Vivan asks for more birthday bumps and RC tries to refuse him, Suvi luks at Yuvi and ass him to come and join but Yuvi smiles and signals its ok
Back at the dhabba Zorro asks all how is Yuvi going to propose Suvi since Suvi is busy with the party for RC, all get surprised and Rathi asks that the hall and the decorations and everything was for RC, Zorro tells him no RC doesn’t even know about anything at all its just Suvi arranged a surprise birthday party for Vivan, Mannu all confused asks who is RC and who is Vivan and what are they doing in YuvReen’s love story
Zorro tells him RC is their mentor and Vivan is his nephew and Vivan is a good friend of Suvi, Rathi says how will Yuvi get a chance to say anything if all that is happening there
At the party Vivan pulls Yuvi to dance with them but he refuses, Vivan tells him to dance just like in the fashion show and Suvi also comes and joins Vivan asking Yuvi to come and dance, he then excuses himself to make a call but Vivan stops him and pleads for his birthday he has to dance, Yuvi finally agrees and starts dancing with Vivan on Gal mitthi mithi bol and then he starts dancing with Suvi as Vivan goes to pull RC, as RC joins Suvi turns to RC and starts dancing with Vivan and RC, Yuvi gets annoyed and starts leaving from there but stops as another track starts playing (tumse hi) and Suvi tells them she will go and change the song
Vivan tells her not to and to dance in this song, Suvi tells him she doesn’t know how to dance in this song, but Vivan says she agreed to do all that what his parents used to do and they wud definitely wud have danced to this song, RC tells him its better to change the song but he pleads them not to for his birthday, Suvi tells him she doesn’t know how to and Vivan says not to worry as RC will help her, Yuvi looks in anger towards them
RC agrees and puts his hand forward ad Suvi has no choice and accepts it ad they both start dancing as Yuvi looks in jealousy and gets annoyed, dance gets over and everyone claps for them, Yuvi turns away and gets depressed thinking he really lost his chance with Suvi because now Suvi is with RC, he turns back to look at her enjoying with all and thinks about what Annie said not to hurt Suvi, he takes his steps back and says he cant hurt Topper again, he hurt her once but he wont do it again, he wont tell her he loves her and bids goodbye from far and leaves
RC at the party starts day dreaming about him staring at Suvi in his house, at the party Suvi calls out to RC who doesn’t seem to hear her but finally does and says nothing still lost, Vivan calls out to him and he finally responds to him and asks what does he have to say, Vivan tells the two of them that he never knew he wud celebrate his birthday ever, he thot that since he was such a bad child God took his parents away from him but today he feels so special all because of RC and Suvi, and he knows he cant get his mom and dad back but from today he will never be sad
He tells them he promised to his parents to be happy always and since the two of them will be with him he can never be sad, RC kisses him and tells him he loves him, and Suvi tells him that he is very brave to make such a promise and is very happy that he enjoyed his party, Vivan says what party its not over yet and tells them they haven’t clicked pictures yet and calls out for Yuvi but doesn’t see him anywhere, Suvi tells them she will go see where he is
Suvi goes to the manager and asks about Yuvi and he tells her that Yuvi left a while ago, Suvi wonders how could he leave without meeting her, she thinks he must be there somewhere and she needs to look for him
Yuvi walks angrily towards his laila and bangs his hands on to it angrily thinking why is he feeling so angry at himself, he was expecting her to wait for him the whole time for him to realize that he also loved her but why would she wait, he thinks about the time Suvi confessed her love and told him he doesn’t know how it feels when he asked if they could be friends again, he again gets frustrated at himself and tells himself now he became her friend coz that’s what he wanted
RC and Vivan drop Suvi back home and say their goodbyes, RC looks after she goes and then gets out and stops Suvi and thanks her for everything she did today, Suvi tells him it was nothing much, he tells her whatever she did today was just pure magic coz this was the only way to make him understand and to see Vivan like this he have been trying so hard for so long, what he couldn’t do in so many yrs Suvi did in a day
He tells her he couldn’t make him understand about his parents death that it was never his fault and she did it, Suvi tells him its okay and maybe Vivan needed all this time to reach to this point and its not his fault, she tells him she didn’t do much but Vivan is so special and she just loves him, she thanks him instead for letting her become a part of Vivan’s life despite her being his student, she looks at Vivan and tells RC she will go now and leaves as RC looks after her

Precap: Vivan sings kuch tou hua hai going around RC and tells him something has happened on the birthday party as RC smiles, Yuvi tells Rathi and Mannu Topper has moved on, Rathi asks what does he mean by move on, Yuvi tells him there is no reason to be frustrated as she finally moved on in her life and they cant do anything about it

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  1. Anonymous
    December 13, 07:24 Reply

    so sad of yuvi he is such a imotinal guy why does suvi do like this to yuvi

  2. KSG!!
    December 13, 00:24 Reply

    I dont like Suvreen at the moment and I dont like Rehan either!! I would rather have Savita and her chamcha here

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