[V] The Buddy Project 14th August 2013 Written Update

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[V] The Buddy Project 14th August 2013 Written Update by Crazy..Life

[V] The Buddy Project 14th August 2013 Written Episode

Piddi is sleeping in the canteen. Ranveer comes there and draws a moustache with a red marker on his face.Ruku tries stopping him but he continues anyway He writes something on a piece of paper and sticks it to Piddi’s back. Panchi comes there looking sad and worried .Ranveer sees this and goes to sit next to her. He asks her why is she looking so sad and depressed ?And jokes that did her family chuck her out of the house ? She replies saying nothing happened .Ranveer says her that just look at your face! What do you mean nothing has happened ? He tells her to speak up her problem. There Rukmini is asking the canteen guy for a tissue and Ranveer gives idicates her to not do anything ! Ranveer says to Panchi that no one except me can solve your problem ..So tell me.Rukmani is trying to rub off the moustache on Piddi’s face but Ranveer snatches off the tissue from her and says NO!

Ranveer jokes to Panchi that if she doesn’t speak up now, He’ll send Piddi behind her! Panchi finalyy tells him that she had a little fight with Avi.He hands her the tissue at this and says “Ye le! Aasoon poch le” (Here wipe your tears) . And goes on saying one more fight? Can’t you all stay with peace. are you distributing tokens … of fights between Gilrfriends and boyfriends ? Rukman again tries to rub off the moustache on Piddi’s face but Ranveer stops her again and STTC that ” seems like it’s time for me to start fight as well”.

Panchi is leaving from there..Ranveer tries apologizing her and says he was just kidding! PAnchi gets a call from her mom. She asks how did her friends’ exam go ? Panchi replies that everyone’s exam went well. Her mom immediately understands that she is upset and asks What happened ? Panchi lies to her that nothing happened! Her mom replies that it’s no use lying to her! She is her mom and knows that she is upset by just hearing her voice.She asks if she had fight with Ranveer? Panchi says “No,” and her mom asks her If anything happened between her and Avi? Panchi stays silent at this. Her mom tells her to take care and we’ll talk about it when you come home. Panchi cuts the call and leaves from there.Ranveer tries going behind her but Rukmani stops him and says it’s best to leave her alone for a while.Veeni leave from there as well.

Piddi wakes up yawning and without noticing anything about the moustache or the note, he leaves from there. Piddi is walking in the corrider when a girl looks at him and chuckles seeing his face. Piddi gets surprised and happy and STTC that “first time in life, a girl gave me a line! He says to himself that, Le le! Piddi, line le le! ” He goes and sits beside her and says she looking so cute. They should go and have a coffee together. They would look so nice drinking coffee together . The girl says,” Oh please Piddi! That was so cheap!” Piddi STTC “first you give line, and when I come and site beside you act.. calling it cheap?” He continues trying to ask her for coffee but the gilr gets irritated and slaps Piddi and leaves. Piddi goes on walking in while girls keep laughing. He wonders what’s actually happening. He sees Ranveer who’s laughing as well. He says “on my head is it Tushar Kapoor written that everyone is laughing?” Ranveer continues laughing and tells Piddi to go and check his face in the mirror.

Piddi goes to wash room to check the mirror. He exclaims seing the moustache and woders who did this. There RAnveer is laughing at the door. Piddi see this and runs behind him getting angry.He chases RV around the college and suddenly collides with a girl and they fall and the floor and keep rolling for quite a time. ( Amby S1 romantic music playing in the Bg and petals fall) They stare at each other for a minute and then suddenly snap out of it. Piddi apologizes her asks if she is okay. She says that it’s okay and she is fine. Piddi says its all because of his friend and says,” I won’t spare him.

While he is doing so, the girl looks at the note on his back which says ‘ Like my mooch? Come Smooch’ The girl gives Piddi a peck on his cheek and Piddi is on the ground within no time! The girl says, ” wow.. he himself asked for the kiss, and he fainted.. he got very weak heart maybe…” And leaves from there.

Ranveer is still running away from Piddi. He sees Rukmani in a empty classroom looking at her family’s photo and crying.She says that she misses them a lot. And wonders if they miss her too ?
Scene shifts to Kisha. Both are sittind on the stairs and holding hands. Kiya says to him that their buddies group is so cool,right ? If they weren’t a part of our life, it’d be so boring! She says that we should do something special for them too! Kd just nods his head at this and stays silent. Kiya asks him if all is okay? is he worried about something? Kd replies saying it’s nothing like that. Kiya says nothing like that or you don’t want to tell me? She pretends to leave but KD stops her and says please don’t go. I am already in a lot of tension. Kiya tells him to speak up about happend.KD says that he is worried about the result.Due to coming late , he missed out a little part. Kiya tell him not to worry and that result will come out good! She also says that You underestimate yourself a lot KD! Kd just smiles. Kiya says that he should just keep smiling like this.

Kiya asks him if he has any special plans for this week? KD says no special plans as of such .But shubh had called him so he is thinking of going to meet him . Kiya STTC that she hopes KD remembers her birthday! ”
otherwise.. he will die in young age with my hands and I will feel very bad for it.
Ranveer is standing at the gate of ICC girls hostel.He calls Rukmani. She is sleeping and picks up the call. Ranveer asks her come down immedaitely. She says it’s too late now and if she gets caught by the warden , they will remove her from the hostel.She asks him why now ?” anything special? ” He lies to her that it’s his birthday today! She sits up straight hearing this and says “but still 2 months to go for your birthday, right ?” He says that is is not his real birthday, his real birthday is today and all the buddies are at his home waitng for him to cut the cake.She wishes him and comes down. They both go to Ranveer’s house.

RV’s house. Veeni enter the house and RV switches the light on.Rukmini sees that there is no one in the house. And that RV said the buddies were here ! Ranveer says that it’s because its not my birthday today.Rukmani flares up at this and asks him angrily why did he lie to her ? Rv says that he wanted to spen some time with her so. She snaps back at him saying that still why did he lie ? And that she’ll get into trouble if she is caught!RV tries to calm her down, but she is not ready to listen and slaps him! She begins to leave but the lights suddenly . “I love you papa!” Ranveer’s childhood scene with his dad at the beach is played. Rukmini watches it while Ranveer has tears in his eyes. Ranveer says to her that he just wanted to show her this.He just wanted to show her how much he misses his parents. The times he spent with them were the best of his life. But he can just see them in these videos. “i can’t talk to them.. i can’t touch them.. i can’t share anything with them!” Because he has lost them ..He misses them so much..But he has lost them. He says that he just wants to say her one thing to her…Just one.! That she atleast has parents! You can talk to them, touch them..share things with them! He says he knows that she had a fight with them but they must be missing like she misses them! So please…talk to them !! understand them ! so you don’t regret later on…that despite them being here.. you didn’t get their support! He turns around facing the screen and says “Happy Birthday to me!!” (OMG! Brilliant scene! Kunal you are an AH-MAZING actor! *BowsDown*)

Precap-The results are out.Ranveers shows Piddi the marklist and shows him his name on the list. Piddi has stood second with 95%!! Piddi falls down seeing this! The two guys who stole papers with him ask him how did he come second. Both of them studied from the same paper too. The question paper changed and they failed..So how did Piddi come second? How? Jj come there and explains them something .

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  1. Xia
    August 16, 06:46 Reply

    Bye waise happy birthday from my said

  2. Xia
    August 16, 06:40 Reply

    My name is kirngam which means soft hearted gentle shayna r u going too

    • Shayna
      August 16, 06:45

      Haan abhi Samira ke ghar jaa rahein hain, she wants 2 plan her bithday. Ho saka toh dono ek hi phonese online honge. Bye, nice meeting u xia di

  3. Xia
    August 16, 06:38 Reply

    Ok samira same here bye take care

  4. Xia
    August 16, 06:34 Reply

    Hi shayna im frm shillong(north east india)i guess u r frm delhi right

    • Shayna
      August 16, 06:38

      Xia di if u dont mind may I ask u the meaning of ur name?

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