[V] The Buddy Project 25th September 2013 Written Update

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[V] The Buddy Project 25th September 2013 Written Update by spicySugar

[V] The Buddy Project 25th September 2013 Written Episode

Students are gathered outside JJ’s office. JeeMi haven’t arrived yet. RanSh are concerned for them. JJ comes outside and asks for the candidates. Just then, Omi comes there followed by Avi, both of whom aren’t in good shape. They blame each other and get in fight. JJ says if they’ll fight in elections, everyone knows how that’ll end up. He asks for their nomination papers and tears them apart, saying this time 1st years are eligible for filing nominations but JeeMi can choose their party representatives. On the spot, JeeMi choose RanSh as their reps much to the Buddies’ shock.

JeeMi try brain washing RanSh to say yes and represent the party. While RV is adamant that he won’t fight against his friend, KD says he doesn’t have the confidence in himself to take part in elections.

RanSh meet up. Both discuss about this new turn of events. RV says he can’t fight his friend. KD says the same but he also stands by his party’s agendas. RV says so does he but that doesn’t mean they’ll publicly fight as he knows how these college elections are. Panchi, Kiya and Piddi come there. Panchi talks to them that their friendship won’t be affected by these elections. JJ must’ve thought of something that Buddies can do something for ICC. At the end of the day, the decision is RanSh’s and it’s hard for Buddies to choose a side as well. They can fight on the basis of their agendas. Win or lose, ultimately it’s for the good of the college. Piddi says if someone else stands for elections and wins, the problem will only be for other students. KD gets frustrated and walks away and Kiya follows her.

KiSha go over to meet Shubh who is playing cricket with his friends. He’s playing against his best friend and KD’s all engrossed in the match. Shubh wins against his best friend. After celebrating with his team, he goes to his best friend and they talk like nothing happened. KD is thoughtful seeing this. Kiya sees KD and says it’s so good to see two best friends compete yet be friends. Sometimes we get answers from places we least expect to. KD is thoughtful.

RV is pacing in his room when Panchi comes. He tells her to go out somewhere, he doesn’t want to stay at home. Panchi realizes that he wants to get away from this problem. She says if he has any doubt, he can back out but personally, she wants him to fight. He asks if she was in his place, what would she do? Panchi replies she would fight cuz 1) she can do anything to stand by her ideologies and 2) she knows that even if her best buddy was standing opposite to her, they’d figure this out. RV says he wants to stand by his ideologies but does she think all will be well with RanSh at the end of it? Panchi suggests that he spend the night thinking about it from all angles then at the end of it, whatever the decision is his. She goes away but RV is thoughtful behind her.

Precap – RV goes to JJ and says he doesn’t want to fight the election. JJ informs him that KD has already filed his nomination. RV is stunned knowing this.

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  1. Panchi
    September 25, 11:49 Reply

    Friendship is not always about luv n care itz also about fights..it strengthens the bond.,…… 🙂

  2. arohi
    September 25, 11:33 Reply

    Great cvs
    Aur bakwass banao

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