Veera 10th March 2014 Written Update

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Veera 10th March 2014 Written Update by Anam Ali

Veera 10th March 2014 Written Episode

The Episode starts of with Ranvi looking for Gunjan, he comes downstairs, he asks Chaiji if she has seen Gunjan, Chaiji tells Ranvi she should be somewhere here she tells Ranvi its only been 1 day of marriage and you have already started saying Gunjan name. (Agreed Ranvi has lost the plot so disappointed with CVs they have butchered Ranvi) Ranvi carries on looking for Gunjan, Ratan comes there gives Ranvi her Salwaar suit to give Gunjan she informs Ranvi about the moo dikayi rasam.

Ranvi infroms Gunjan about the moo dikayi rasam and tells her Beeji sent salwaar suit for her, Gunjan says she has already selected her clothes. Ranvi says fine she can wear what she likes but Beeji will be happy if she wears the clothes she sent. Gunjan arms hurts Ranvi says she can remove the chora he will get medicine for her. (Ranvi is so caring so nice that why people take advantage, Ranvi dont be too nice)

Ratan rings Bansuri to inform her about the moo dikayi rasam, Bansuri is not very happy, Bansuri inform Ratan Sarpanchji is fine, Ratan says to Bansuri to send Baldev to their house to pick Gunjan up for the phagphere rasam, Bansuri says fine and disconnects the phone.

The Doctor informs Baldev Balwant is better they will discharge him soon, they have to make sure they dont say anything that will cause Balwant any stress. Baldev thanks the doctor and the doctor leaves. Outside Bansuri tells Baldev to go to Ranvi house to pick Gunjan for the phaagphere rasam, she wil stay with Balwant. Baldev is angry he says he will not go he doesn’t want to participate in this fake rasam and fake wedding,(Wish Baldev/Bansuri had stopped the wedding and found out the truth all this wouldnt have happened CV’s) Baldev says Gunjan will come herself if she wants too he will not go. Bansuri explains to Baldev he has to go they have to accept this wedding she is not happy about it, if he doesnt go the pindwaleh will start talking again, if Balwant finds out his health will get worse. Baldev agrees to go.

The ladies are talking about Gunjan how she takes years getting ready, Ratan has chosen someone like Gunjan as daughter-in-law, Ratan says Gunjan is not only her daughter- in- law she is her daughter, Veera isn’t very happy. (nor are the viewers of the show same expressions as Veera) Ratan then says Gunjan will get the same love and care that this house daughter gets. Veera says to herself Beeji doesnt know that the girl she is calling her daughter is a dhokebaaz, she has ruined their family. Ratan then tells the ladies to give Gunjan blessing and love and not to make fun of her inside their house or outside. (Only if Ratan knew the truth she shouldnt be defending Gunjan, she doesnt deserve it) Chaiji is proud of Ratan.

Baldev and his friends come, Baldev greets Chaiji he is about to take her blessing just the his leg starts hurting, Baldev remembers last night happening, Chaiji says what happened to him? Baldev says he fell of the bed. Chaiji says you fell of the bed and your in this state imagine you fell of a mountain what will happen? Baldev and his friends laugh Baldev says Chaiji is funny Chaiji tells Baldev to put medicine he will be fine. The lady calls Chaiji and she leaves. Baldev friends say he got saved or else he would of got caught if Chaiji didnt leave. (Chaiji didnt remember)

Baldev smiles at Veera, Veera is angry about what Ratan said regarding Gunjan, Veera goes upstairs, Baldev friend says Veera is upset with Baldev. (only if they knew the truth) Baldev says he has organised everything you just wait and watch all the anger will be gone.
Chaiji tells Ratan she is happy she is accepting Gunjan, Ratan says she has no choice Gunjan is part of their family now, it will take her time to forget everything. Chaiji says Rabji will make everything right.

Veera goes to her room and is angry she says what is wrong with Beeji how can accept that lady who has ruined Veerji life. Just then Baldev friend comes and tells Veera that Baldev has gone mentle he is doing something which he has not done before and tells Veera to come quickly. Veera says what is this Baldev doing now? She goes to see. Baldev friend tell Baldev Veera has come, Baldev says all the anger has gone now.

Baldev starts pretending to sing and play the madolin, Veera is shocked, Veera covers Baldev mouth and hears the music. Baldev friend tied the pandit who sing in mata ki chauki and made him sing the bollywood song, the pandit thanks Veera and Veera tells Baldev friend to untie the pandit. Veera says to Baldev he has gone mad, Baldev blames his friend, Veera says why is he doing all this? Baldev was about to say something just thenthe little girl comes and tells the Veera the moo dikayi rasam is about to start, Veera says she is coming the girl leaves. Veera calls Baldev Bewaqoof and leaves. Baldev says Veera is very angry with him. (Loved this scene it was really funny, wonder how Baldev stole Ranvi Madolin in such short time)

The Moo dikayi rasam takes place, the lady says why isn’t Gunjan wearing Chora, The ladies all shout at Gunjan they say Bansuri has not teached her anything Gunjan blames Ranvi that he told her to take it off she did say no (what a liar) All the ladies are shouting and saying bad things about Ranvi. Veera defends Ranvi, she tells everyone Ranvi respects all traditions in the pind there must have been a reason for all this, Veera shows everyone Gunjan arm and says Gunjan arm got hurt because of the chora that why Ranvi must of told her to take it off. The lady says now only Rab can save Ranvi Gunjan relationship.

Precap- Chaiji tells Ratan has she kept all the stuff that needs to be sent to Gunjan house, Ratan says yes she has everything is done, Baldev is shouting where is Gunjan he is getting late, Ranvi says Gunjan will not go to her house. (Ranvi should of said take her atleast he will be spared, Gunjan probs told some fake story to Ranvi duno why he is believing her for, CVs stop butchering Ranvi)

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  1. baer
    March 11, 00:47 Reply

    swap the timings of this crap with yeh hai mohabathein atleast YEH’s trp will go high

    • baer
      March 11, 00:48


  2. ashlok [keerthu]
    March 10, 23:30 Reply

    innocent ranvi – Evil gunjan…….. 🙁 ……… Loved baldev veera scene …… 😀

  3. Sonya
    March 10, 19:01 Reply

    What a turn. All along it was Gunjan who was the the good one but now she has changed so much just because she wants to become rich over night, see the world by marrying an NRI. Ranvi potraits his role very well that of a simpleton. Love Ranvir and Veera. Poor Ratan and Chaichi have to put up with all this but being villagers they are adjusting very well. A very nice episode – good story and lovely cast.

  4. Kia
    March 10, 16:51 Reply

    Ranveer had been sweet and simple from childhood….so it is difficult to blame him….n gunjan! She is really changed….

    • Aatika
      September 30, 09:36

      Due to Circumstances gunjan has changed as she never got love from her mom n bro

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