Woh Apna Sa 23rd February 2018 Written Update

Woh Apna Sa 23rd February 2018 Written Update by Atiba

Woh Apna Sa 23rd February 2018 Written Episode

Scene 1
Binni asks Arjunm to forgive her.

Jhumki is at her den and says they didnt do nice by taking Binno on their side, it will be destruction for them now.

Arjun comes to lounge and sees Kaki sleeping on chair, he tries to wake her up but hears beep, he sees bomb attached to her chair. Binni and Chirag comes there too. Arjun sees a letter there. He reads it, it says that Kaki have bomb attached to her chair, if you try to remove her from chair then bomb will blast, I have remote of her bomb, if you want to save Kaki then send Jia to me alone.. your destroyer Jhumki. Arjun says I wont spare this Jhumki. Arjun says to Chirag that dont let Kaki move from this chair, I will go behind Jhumki. Binni says but Jhumki called Jia alone. Arjun looks on.

Arjun and Binni comes to

site where Jhumki called them. Binni is dressed as Jia. Arjun asks if she really wanna do this? its dangerous. Binni says I want to do this, Arjun says I will be in touch with you, you go inside.
Binni comes to Jhumki’s den. Jhumki has back to her and says come Jia, I was waiting for you. She turns to her but Arjun switches off lights there so Jhumki cant see her face.
Chirag sees timer on bomb and says only 20minutes are remaining, he says what to do? how to save Kaki. I cant tell Jia. Kaki says I am worried. Chirag says we will save you, dont worry. Jia calls out for Arjun, Chirag goes on to check.

At den, Jhumki says to Binni that who can bring darkness in my life? she takes out gun and says no one has guts. She switches on another light. Binni turns to leave but Jhumki points gun at her and says dont try to run, Binni thinks where is Arjun.

Chirag comes to Jia, Jia tries to get up from bed and says where is everyone? Chirag says all are in lounge, Arjun dont want you to move so stay here. Jia says tell me what happened otherwise I will get up. Chirag says no let me tell you.

Binni tries to move away from Jhumki but Jhumki says dont try to run, I have to tie you with this handcuffs. Arjun comes behind Jhumki. Jhumki turns to catch him but he hides, Binni runs and hides too.

Chirag brings Jia to lounge and shows her bomb on Kaki’s chair. Jia says so much happened and I didnt know, I have to help Arjun. Chirag says Arjun has gone to catch Jhumki, dont worry, you are not well, you should rest, I have to take care of you. He makes her sit down.

Jhumki looks around den and says Jia? Arjun hides with Binni and asks her to hide.Jhumki says Jia you want to play hide and seek with me? if you wear these handcuffs only then you can save your Kaki maa. Jhumki hides. Binni looks around and thinks where is Jhumki? Jhumki comes behind her and points gun at her, she says caught you, come with me. Arjun comes there and hits gun with stick, Binni and Arjun runs. Jhumki takes gun and says Arjun is here too? She says come out otherwise I will press button on remote and your Kaki will be dead. Arjun and Binni hides. Arjun says we have to get this remote at any cost. Jhumki starts counting till ten.

In house, Jia sees only 8 minutes remaining on bomb timer, she thinks I cant do anything, God save Kaki.

At den.. Jhumki counts till ten but Arjun comes out to her. She points gun at him and says I will kill your first. Arjun throws her gun away, they fight to get gun, Arjun snatches remote from her, Jhumki gets gun and fires at him but Arjun runs away and hides with remote. Arjun presses button on remote and calls Chirag, he asks him if bomb stopped? Chirag says no. Jhumki says Arjun give me remote, this remote will work only in vicinity of bomb. Arjun tries to run from there but Jhumki points gun at him, Binni comes infront of him, she takes bullet on her hand and beats Jhumki, she takes gun from her and shoots Jhumki on foot. She gives gun to Arjun and locks Jhumki in a box. Binni asks Arjun to leave, I will call police for Jhumki. Arjun gives her gun and runs from there.

Arjun is running to house. Jia says to Chirag that we have to do something. Chirag says bomb will blast. Jia says let me do something. She looks at bomb and is about to choose wire but Arjun comes there. He takes remote and tries to stop bomb, he presses button but bomb doesnt stop timer. Arjun gets tensed, only one minute is remaining, Arjun throws remote away. Arjun asks Jia and Chirag to leave house. Jia says I wont leave, Arjun says please leave. Jia says no I wont go anywhere, I will stay here. Arjun looks at wires and tries to choose wire which can stop bomb. Arjun takes out one wire at last second and bomb stops. Arjun sighs in relief and says it stopped. Arjun takes out bomb from chair and makes Kaki get up from it. Chirag gives him water. Jia asks where is Binni? Arjun says I could come here because of Binni, you were right, she changed, she cares for family. Binni calls Arjun and says I am in hospital, before police could come, Jhumki threw me away and ranaway and I got hurt, I am so sorry. Arjun says no no, I am coming to hospital. Binni says no, I am just leaving and coming home, he says okay and ends call. Binni smirks and says to Jhumki that Jindals are fools, they dont even know different between real or fake bullet. Binni says to Jhumki that they dont know my game is much bigger, either it be acting or planning afterall my teacher is you.. She takes off Jhumki’s veil and says my teacher is my mom.. she takes off her veil and its none other than Nisha, they smile at each other. They laugh, Binni says you are the best mom in the world. Nisha hugs her and says I know.


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